web feb 24

FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL Avi, a former resident of a yishuv close to Gaza, was evacuated from his home on the seventh of October. Together with his wife and six children, he was transferred to a small hotel in Jerusalem. After living in the hotel for nearly two months, he was bored, frustrated, and his family dynamics were failing. Avi found a job in Jerusalem and decided to leave the Gaza area permanently because of the continuous missile attacks over the years. He rented an apartment in a popular neighborhood in Jerusalem, but after only one month of rental he was informed that his landlord was in contract to sell the property. Avi confronted his landlord and offered to buy the apartment, claiming that as the present tenant he is entitled to the right of first refusal to purchase the property. The landlord was uninterested in dealing with Avi after he already signed with another buyer and dismissed Avi’s claim. In Bet Din, the two presented their respective claims. IS AVI ENTITLED TO PURCHASE THE APARTMENT? DOES HIS LANDLORD HAVE THE HALACHIC RIGHT TO SELL HIS APARTMENT TO AN OUTSIDE PARTY? HOW SHOULD THE BET DIN RULE AND WHY? YOU BE THE JUDGE and send your response to YouJudge@CommunityM.com Verdicts – and the accompanying rationale – will be reviewed by the Rosh Bet Din. The first three correct submissions received before the deadline will have their names printed in our next edition! To learn more about us visit: aramsoba.com YOU JUDGE! BE THE בס״ד Child Born to Childless Couple 10Months after Registering with TehillimKollel It was big news. My younger sister, Ruchy,* got engaged! Oh, how our family had waited for this day! Ruchy was no youngster, and we were thrilled to see her, a glowing kallah, getting ready to build her own home. I was happier than you can imagine as I watched her prepare for her special day. As she walked down to the chuppah , I could feel her emotions and sense her tears. Ruchy was filled with gratitude to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for bringing her to this fortunate milestone, and fervently davening for a rosy future. The simchah of the chasunah faded away as we returned to our day-to-day routines. We all hoped to hear good news soon from the new couple, especially since they were not that young. One year passed and then another. No news. Each time I, or another family member, was blessed with a baby, my heart bled for my sister. Ruchy so badly wished to become a mommy, and it hurt to watch her suffer. I decided to do something. We all know the great power of Reb Shimon bar Yochai, and I was determined to earn his zechusim for my sister. But how? If I couldn’t go down to Meron personally, I would have others go for us. I registered the names of my sister and her husband in Kollel Meron, asking for Tehillim Kollel’s chashuve minyan of talmidei chachamim to storm the Heavens on their behalf. It was a sure step toward bringing them the gift of a child. Exactly ten months later, I received that long-awaited phone call. My sister was a mother! Ruchy had given birth to a healthy baby boy! To me, the power of Meron and the tefillos of Tehillim Kollel are no longer nice stories that happen to others; they are true and real – just as beautiful as the precious nephew I feast my eyes on today. *Name has been changed. 718.705.7174 Info@TehillimKollel.org www.TehillimKollel.org Do you knowsomeone still waiting tobe blessedwith children? TheHolyTalmidei Chachamimof TehillimKollel will davenforyourShidduch! SHEVAT - ADAR 1 5784 / FEBRUARY 2024 43