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David, a Midwood resident, recalled, “I was constantly dreading checking my bank account, not to mention the next bill.” He lay awake most nights, worried about howhewouldmanage to pay for groceries or the rent due the next week. As a father of five young children, David felt the constant pressure of his responsibilities. Despite having many friends in the community, he felt he could no longer ask for their help. Unexpected medical expenses had eaten up his reserves, his clients were overdue on payments, and with every sunrise, he worried about he could keep his family safe and afloat. David was reluctant to seek help. But as his financial situation became more dire, he finally went to the Flatbush Community Fund website and filled out the simple online form. Initially, he was uncomfortable, but the professional and friendly staff at the Fund quickly put him at ease. They reassured him that many hard-working individuals in the community sought assistance to get them through a rough patch. “The relief I felt was indescribable,” David said. “Suddenly, I wasn’t just carrying the burden alone anymore. Baruch Hashem , with their help, my children continued to enjoy their meals, unaware of the financial tightrope we were walking. My credit card payments were no longer declined, and I could breathe again, knowing my family was taken care of.” This support was more than just financial. It was a lifeline that allowedDavid to return tobeing the father, husband, andbusinessman he strived to be. He could now focus on reviving his business and providing for his family without the crippling fear of the next bill or unexpected expenses. The Flatbush Community Fund gave him the stability and peace of mind needed to sustain his family until his business improved. This transformation is a testament to the profound impact of the Flatbush Community Fund since its inception five years ago. Through their comprehensive support and understanding, they have alleviated financial burdens and restored hope and dignity to many, enabling them to thrive once more in their roles within the family and community. Charting the Course of Kindness It all began in July 2018 with a simple vision: to fill the gaps in the budgets of families within the Flatbush Orthodox Jewish community struggling to afford essentials. “When we started out, I was the only employee, doing everything from buying stamps to fundraising. Now, baruchHashem , we’ve grown,” said ExecutiveDirector YitzyWeinberg. Their dedicated teamof five employees works to fulfill their mission of “helping everyone who needs help.” Serving a diverse Jewish population, the funddirects approximately thirtypercent of its services towards the Sephardic community, Weinberg said, acknowledging and addressing the community’s unique needs. “We’ve helped over 2,000 families since we’ve started, for various different needs: Pesach, grocery accounts, tutoring assistance, interest-free loans, financial mentoring, emergency assistance, rent, mortgage, and utility payments,” Weinberg said. Clearly, as the community has grown, so has their trust and reliance on FCF. The Challenge of the Pandemic AsFCF’s rolewithinthecommunitysolidified, theCovid-19pandemic necessitated an expansion of their services. The crisis exacerbated so many families’ existing financial struggles and introduced new ones, driving the organization to broaden its scope of aid. BY DAVE GORDON AND SARAH ZELDMAN FLATBUSH COMMUNITY FUND A Lifeline for Many Local Families 28 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE