web feb 24

22 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Tracking a Terror Tunnel Hamas terrorists most often attack at dawn. One early morning in the Jabaliya neighborhood of Gaza, while we were on a mission to extract bodies, we were urgently alerted to the presence of a terrorist carrying a Kalashnikov rifle approaching our position. He was spotted from above by a drone and was seen attempting to sneak into the building where we were barricaded. We swiftly deployed into two detachments, one force was tasked with observation, while the other took up a strategic position. When the observation force detected that the terrorist was within the designated kill zone, we opened fire and quickly neutralized him. We recognized that the terrorist had likely emerged from a Hamas terror tunnel in the area. We were also operating under the assumption that hostages were possibly being held there in the nearby tunnels, and therefore needed to take extra care to identify such tunnels without necessarily destroying them. With that objective added to our mission, we set out shortly after to survey the area in search of a nearby tunnel shaft. I led the squad. As we moved through the alleyway from where we believed the terrorist had come, we approached a clearing amid the rubble of destroyed buildings. Unbeknown to us, our squad had come to within only a few meters of the tunnel. But we did not arrive unnoticed. A Hamas terrorist cell had apparently spotted us and triggered an explosive charge to detonate as we neared the tunnel entrance. It was a violent blast. An explosion of that size – which was also designed to destroy the tunnel entrance – should have taken out our entire squad. But we were only struck by small pieces of shrapnel. In an open miracle, thanks to Hashem, it turned out that at precisely the time when the bomb exploded, we were walking alongside a small, remnant of a wall, which absorbed all the shock of the explosion. If the explosion had occurred just a moment earlier or later, it is likely that many of us would not have come back alive. As it happened, only one commando in our squad was lightly wounded and evacuated to the hospital ( baruch Hashem , he is fine), but otherwise, we were all miraculously saved. After this incident, even the most secular soldiers among us began putting on tefillin . Miracles of the 551 st commando, $100 to sponsor a single meal for the group, $18 for afternoon refreshments or any amount above, below, or in between – all donations are a symbol of our appreciation of the sacrifices these young men are making for the Jewish nation. Even those who cannot afford to contribute, can still be of great help by sharing this initiative with their friends and families. May Hashem protect all the soldiers of Israel, bring the hostages safely home, and bless the nation of Israel with a lasting peace. To learn more about the successes of the 551st Reserve Brigade, see the links below. Contributions for thisworthy cause are tax deductible when sent through Bnei Aram Soba, a 501(c)(3) organization. The campaign is being conducted with zero overhead. Every dollar collected will go directly to soldiers. To donate and learn more about the successes of the 551st Reserve Brigade, visit www.aramsoba.org/551 Jack Cohen is the executive publisher of Community Magazine. To learn more about the campaign or verify distribution of funds, email Publisher@ CommunityMagazine.com.