web feb 24

20 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Uncovering Hamas headquarters in tunnels deep under Jabaliya, seizing rockets aimed at Israeli towns in the heart of Gaza City, neutralizing attacking terrorists on the streets of Beit Hanoun, the commando battalions of the IDF’s 551st Reserve Brigade have been at the tip of the spear, battling a horrific enemy for months now. Appropriately dubbed the “Arrows of Fire,” the warriors of the 551st are among the most elite fighters in the IDF. Yet many are still only in their early 20s and just starting out their lives. Among the ranks of these intrepid soldiers is “Avram” (real name withheld per IDF protocol), an observant, third-generation Israeli whose maternal grandparents were displaced from Aleppo, Syria, around the time Israel was founded. On his father’s side, Avram proudly recalls his family’s descent from the great Hida, Hacham Yosef David Azulai, zs”l. Avram is also my cousin, a circumstance that allowed for unique access to the situation and mood among the troops on the front lines in Gaza. During a brief reprieve from the fighting, I had the privilege to speak candidly with Avram. My first question was, how can we, in America, continue to help? Can we send more bulletproof vests? Field supplies? Rations? “Contributions to the army have been very generous,” Avram explained, “from our standpoint, we have all the supplies we need to fight and win this war, with Hashem’s help.” But the fighting has taken a heavy toll psychologically. “I am only still alive because of great miracles, baruch Hashem . Hakadosh Baruch Hu is protecting me.” But many have not been so fortunate. “There have been numerous losses. Very close friends of mine have been killed and we’ve experienced very difficult tragedies within our regiment. What would really help us now, is having something new and positive to look forward to – something that would help us heal from the trauma of war.” JACK COHEN ON THE Front lines HOW YOU Can help IDF Commando Reveals What His Squad Needs Most Now Horror in a Hamas House Following up on an intelligence lead, we entered the home of a suspected Hamas terrorist and began searching for contraband. Our efforts soon turned up various weapons such as assault rifles and explosive suicide vests with grenades. Proceeding to the next room, one of our commandos proceeded to search an ordinary looking chest. As he opened one of the drawers, to our collective horror, a grenade – with its trigger pin removed – fell to the ground. The chest had been booby trapped so that opening that drawer would cause the grenade to explode. Baruch Hashem , in a clear miracle, the grenade was a dud and did nothing more than give us a good scare. Miracles of the 551 st