Magazine 2023-08 web

VolumeXXII Number11 COMMUNITY TheMostWidelyCirculatedSephardicMagazine in theWorld Wordsof RabbiEli J.Mansour The ElulChallenge DELICIOUS DESSERT RECIPES! FREECHATGEMACHS –AWIN-WIN FORGIVERSANDSEEKERS FACILITATINGTHEHEALING PROCESS:AGUIDEFOR SHIVA VISITS MEDICALHALACHA LIVINGKIDNEY DONATION Av-Elul 5783 /August 2023 ARecentRecord-Breaking AuctionSuggests the CrownofAleppo is theMost ValuableDocument in theWorld The Most Coveted Document? a publication of Bnei  Aram  Soba  a non-profit organization 1616 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11223 Telephone: 718-645-4460 Fax: 718 618-9942 email: Executive Mashgiah R abbi E li D avid Executive Publisher J ack C ohen Editor-in-Chief F reddie H arari Associate Editor J olie G reiff Contributing Writers M achla A bramovitz R abbi M ax A nteby D r . J acques D oueck V ictoria D wek M ozelle F orman S ophia F ranco D ave G ordon E llen G eller K amaras R abbi E li J. M ansour - T ammy S assoon F rieda S chweky P nina S ouid R abbi M ax S utton  Photography M orris A ntebi Account Executives B arbra P anigel L auren S hamula Av-Elul 5783 / August 2023 Volume XXII Number 11 COMMUNITY Living Emunah Giving Emunah is Giving Life RABBI DAVID ASHEAR 16 The Lighter Side 60 Jokes and Riddles From The Files of The Bet Din Panama Jack RABBI MAX SUTTON 36 56 Mabrouk Once Upon A Thyme Bourbon Pecan Pie ADINA YAAKOV Words of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour The Elul Challenge 10 58 Community Highlights Home Is Where The Heart Is Home Maintenance KAREN BEHFAR 52 Community Magazine is published monthly by Bnei Aram Soba, 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11223. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY, USPS Number 0021-802 (ISSN 1552- 809X). Copyright 2023 Bnei Aram Soba. Subscriptions $18 or $3 when included in membership dues. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Community Magazine 655 Pullman Ave, Rochester NY 14615. Advertising and sponsorship proceeds are used exclusively for charitable purposes. Advertisements do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Publisher. Readersshould verifykashrutstatus independently.Ads for Internetand relatedservicesare intended for thosewhohaveaheter foruseofsuchservices. Printed inCanada. THIS PUBLICATION CONTAINS MESSAGES OF TORAH AND HALACHOT. PLEASE HANDLE IT APPROPRIATELY. 18 Emotional Wellness The Pursuit of Happiness RABBI DAVID SUTTON 32 Woman to Woman 44 One on One with Mimi Sharaby ELLEN GELLER KAMARAS Saudi-Iran Deal Has Hidden Benefits for Israel DAVE GORDON 34 MEDICAL HALACHA Living Kidney Donation RABBI YEHUDA FINCHAS 38 Positive Parenting TAMMY SASSOON Ask Jido 48 A Recent Record-Breaking Auction Suggests the Crown of Aleppo is the Most Valuable Document in the World AVI KUMAR A Guide for Shiva Visits MOZELLE FORMAN 26 Free Chat Gemachs – A Win-Win for Givers and Seekers FRIEDA SCHWEKY 28 50 46 The Most Coveted Document? Kids Cooking with Chef Shiri Oreo Cookie Cheesecake 54 40 Spotlight on Mental Health In the Face of Anger DR. YOSSI SHAFER 8 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE