Magazine 2023-08 web

text: 775-MAZAL-84 • fax: 718-504-4246 Tag your Mabrouk on Instagram! #COMMUNITYMABROUK new! GET COMMUNITY! Mabrouk! On Your Upcoming Or Recent Wedding. GETTING MARRIED? But Don’t Let Your New Life Keep You Away From The Community. Please Accept A Complimentary Subscription To The Most Widely Circulated Sephardic Magazine In The World. It’s Our Gift To You. Email: Include Your Name, Your New Address, Phone Number, The K’nees You Attend & The Date Of Your Wedding. Mabrouk! Serving The Community For Over A Decade RABBI ELI DAVID Certified Mohel Cell: 917- 375-5213 Births - Baby Boy Rabbi Moshe & Irah Tobal Rabbi David & Ruchama Semah Rabbi Shlomo & Dina Hafif Jack & Shella Mizrahi Victor & Miriam Dabah Rabbi Chaim & Sarah Idy Dahan Rachamim & Francine Safdieh Jack & Frances Haddad Elliot & Jamie Dabbah Births – Baby Girl Abe & Sarah Sasson Moshe & Cherise Dayan Eddie & Helen Kassin Dan & Miriam Massry Bar Mitzvahs Ovadia, son of Rabbi Abe and Barbara Zonana Eliyahu, son of Rabbi Shaul and Ruthie Siman Isaac, son of Avi and Victoria Dwek Engagements Mikey Cohen to Miriam Biton Raphael Anzaroot to Naomi Harari Reuven Semah to Shana Betech Shlomo Harari-Raful to Linda Sardar Isaac Mamrout to Amy Yaich Ezra Bobo to Deborah Sultan Chesky Haber to Esti Mochon Weddings Joey Haddad to Barbara Haber David Faham to Rena Haber Ezra Brown to Debbie Cohen Jack Tobias to Rachelle Cohen Ariel Teherani to Mazal Laniado Albert Zayat to Alyse Gindi Yosef Gemal to Rozzie Tawil COMMUNITY MAGAZINE #mabr o uk Births - Baby Boy Mechael & Devorah Farhi Hal & Eve Sitt Sammy & Judi Braha Nathan & Lauren Zalta Births - B by Girl Isaac & Coral Setton Elad & Debra Zar Simon & Eliah Dadoun Bar Mitzvahs Victor, son of Morris and Julie Hara Engagements Jack Gabbay to Camile Chemtob Judah Marcus to Sarah Cohen-Saban Maurice Esses to Virginia Dweck Chaim Sakkal to Tami Cohen Butchie Betesh to Terri Saka Meir Esses to Sarah Azatchi Weddings Ikey Yedid to Frieda Grazi Steve Hakim to Roby Chalme Charles Fteha to Elaine Serouya Joey Saba to Linda Sasson Ed Swaid to Barbara Melamed 56 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE