Magazine 2023-08 web

But It’s Mine! Raymond was struggling for years to make his steep monthly home mortgage payments, only to recently lose his business and fall drastically behind. The bank ultimately foreclosed on his property and put his home up for sale to the highest bidder. Elliott, an affluent local businessman, heard of the foreclosure and swooped in, purchasing the property from the bank at approximately 50 percent less than the full market rate. In the interim, Raymond quickly reorganized and managed to collect money to negotiate a deal with the bank, only to be disheartened when he discovered that his home was already sold. Raymond heard that Elliott purchased his home and approached him with the funds he collected, seeking to retake possession of his property. Elliott turned Raymond’s offer down, since the value of his newly acquired property was far more than what Raymond offered. In Bet Din, Raymond claimed that his offer was more than what Elliott paid the bank, and that it is simply unjust of Elliott to purchase his property right underneath his nose. Elliott responded that had he not made the purchase immediately, the property would have been taken by another buyer. IS RAYMOND ENTITLED TO REPOSSESS HIS PROPERTY FROM ELLIOTT? HOW SHOULD THE BET DIN RULE AND WHY? YOU BE THE JUDGE and send your response to Verdicts – and the accompanying rationale – will be reviewed by the Rosh Bet Din. The first three correct submissions received before the deadline will have their names printed in our next edition! To learn more about us visit: YOU JUDGE! BE THE 347-755-9990 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LICENSED AND INSURED SHABBAT LOCKS: $275 SUPPLY AND INSTALL FULL SERVICE LOCK, SAFE AND DOOR HARDWARE SERVICES AV - ELUL 5783 - AUGUST 2023 37