Magazine 2023-08 web

Jennifer Levy We love the free chat! I got a Roomba robot vacuum, a double stroller, a boogie board for my stroller, push cars, a play kitchen, a toddler bed - the list goes on and on! Also, I got a handheld upholstery cleaner that I’ve been eyeing on Amazon for over three years and finally got one from the chat! It’s awesome because I don’t spend as much money anymore. Children grow, they outgrow things so quickly from toys, to clothes, to books. It’s so nice to be able to give outgrown things away as well as get things that other children have outgrown for my kids. I wish I knew about the chat before my first daughter was born. I would have saved a ton on baby gear. Additionally, the chat helped us a lot with the formula shortage. Certain times I wasn’t able to find formula and people on the chat would give it away when their babies didn’t need it anymore. It really helped us get through the last few months. At first, I felt so aib (uncomfortable) claiming things in the chat. But it helped so much once I started, especially with the prices of everything skyrocketing. Also, I’m able to use things I need, but once I don’t need it anymore, instead of throwing away a perfectly good item, I can just pass it along to the next family. It’s just another thing that makes our community so giving and amazing! Natalie B. Cohen I love giving away clothes on the free chat. To know that someone is really going to get use out of it is the best kind of giving in my opinion.  Katie Antebi Basically, last summer we bought and renovated a house. After the renovation, we didn’t really have the extra money to buy furniture. From the free chat I got a kitchen table, two beds, two coffee tables, an area rug, and bar stools. Everything was in great condition and worked perfectly in the space. Also, when I was moving, I gave away so much stuff. I love to use the free chat to give away things now. It helps you declutter for the people who don’t like to throw things away, and another family can benefit, just like we did! Shelly H. Shaab So it all started with one community member who wanted to give away furniture but didn’t want to clutter another chat. Before you knew it, it was full and there was a waiting list to get in. Finally, people started making alternative free chats for all the people who couldn’t get in. I love the chat. Sometimes you feel bad throwing away expensive things, whether it be clothes or furniture. I’m happy knowing someone can benefit from it. I myself claimed a few things and they happen to be my favorite pieces. Overall the idea of sharing your stuff with community members and not wasting is incredible. Marcy Missry This past year, I was packing up my life and moving to Israel. Obviously, I couldn’t bring everything and since I haven’t been married long, a lot of my stuff was good and new. I saw no justification for throwing it away even though I knew I couldn’t bring it. The free chat was an awesome resource I used to distribute my stuff to community members instead of tossing it or storing it for no reason. I wound up throwing out almost nothing so it was a win in my book! Also side note: I’ve gotten really cool things, like once I scored a pasta maker! 30 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE