Community Magazine September 2021 DistributedBy 888-536-7427 In this unique work, Rav Dovid Hofstedter , Nasi of the internationally acclaimed Dirshu Torah organization, addresses fundamental questions on the weekly parshah that you’ve always wanted to ask, but didn’t. Every maamar in Dorash Dovid on the Torah begins with several questions, then develops an in-depth approach, opening new vistas that enable one to truly grasp the messages that the Torah and our Sages impart. Available at: and in Bookstores Nationwide! ENGLISH 2 volume SLIPCASE set on the entire Chumash List Price: $ 39.95 Special Price! $ 29. 95 OTHER SEFORIM IN THE DORASH DOVID SERIES French Edition 2 vol. set on the entire Chumash ג' כרכים על חמשה חומשי תורה ב' כרכים על המועדים חידושים וביאורים בעניני המועדים בעומק העיון English Edition 2 vol. slipcase set on the entire Chumash English Edition 2 vol. slipcase set on Pirkei Avos חידושים וביאורים על פרקי אבות בעומק העיון I N S I G H T S & E S S AY S O N T H E TO R A H