Community Magazine September 2021

TISHREI 5782 / SEPTEMBER 2021 29 Nasi Shas Yiden: “I testedthemwithquestions fromthroughoutShas. Iwasamazedat their incredibleknowledge, andtheir studyeefort todelve throughtheentireTalmudeveryyear, both indepthandwith all-encompassingproficiency.Happy is theirportionandthosewhosupportandassistare full partners intheproject. “Allwhosupport [ShasYiden]willmerit toseeblessing fromtheir livelihoodmanytimes over, andwill beprotected fromthe travailsof theMessianic times. “I bless themthat theyshallmerit tobringgreatnessandglorytotheTorah in tranquility, andwithbrochov'hatzlocho (blessingandsuccess) inall their eeforts –Amenandmay itbeHiswill! Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Hagadol ChaimKanievsky, shlit”a “ShasYidenhasproduced incredible talmidei chachomim…proficient inTalmudBavli frombeginningtoend… who facedthemost incisive testingbefore theGedolei Yisroel,whoare full of theirpraises” Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman, zt”l Learning 160 DAYS MORE PER YEAR than the average kollel Each avreich completes a MINIMUM of 13,555 blatt a year! Plus EVERY Rashi and Tosfos Each avreich knows Shas BY HEART! 718-702-1528 1274 49th Street #562, Brooklyn, NY 11219