Community Magazine September 2021

28 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE TRUE SIMCHAS TORAH AT SHAS YIDEN THIS YEAR: 94: AVREICHIM / 1,274,170 BLATT “TheWorld rests on the Torah of Shas Yiden, and whichwill bring about the Geulah Hashleimah!” Maran Hamekubal Hakadosh David Abuchatzira, shlit”a, Naharia I was privileged to test the Shas Yiden, geonimof our generation. Therewas not a question that I asked themfromthroughout the entire Shas thatwas not answered, whether relating to exact recall of the text or clear analysis.Without doubt, fromthemwill come forth the future gedolimand luminaries of our generation. The supporters of Shas Yidenwill be blessedwith the brochos of the Torah - praised are they that in theirmerit, masters of Shas b'al peh are increasing in the JewishPeople. Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Tzvi Shapira, shlit”a, Rav Khal Chassidim Ramat Aharon; Ra’avd Beit Din Belz, Eretz Yisroel and Rosh Yeshivas Belz, Bnei Brak As I tested them, I waswitness that the entire Shas is sharply honed in theirmouths, includingKodashim and Taharot, in amanner that is both amazing and causes consternation. Praised is a generation that such has been possible in its time! There is no doubt that the supporters and donors of such awonderful Torah project as Shas Yiden, will be blessedmaterially and spiritually, in good health and arichut yamim, over--lowing blessing, nachas and shalom, and an abundance of happiness and good –Amen. Maran Hagaon Matzliach Mazuz, shlit"a, Rosh Yeshivat Kisei Rachamim, Bnei Brak “Towitness, young talmidei chachamim, all bnei aliyahwith incredible sharpness, breadth and depth… each is awalking Shas, and together they are barak barkai – the blitz of the brightest dawn. “The supportersmerit the highest level of Torah and its glorification. Happy and praised are thosewho enter Yissachar-Zevulun pacts [for the entire Shas] with these kollelimthat are producing talmidei chachamimthatwill light up the eyes of the Jewish peoplewith Torah v'yir'a.” Maran Rishon L'Tzion Yitzchak Yosef, Rosh Yeshivat Hazon Ovadia Addressing all present: “These arewords that come frommy heart. This gathering at the farherwas in itself an amazingKiddushHashem(Sanctification of theDivine) andwill certainly impact in hastening the Geulah and you cannot imagine its impact and reverberations across America and theDiaspora since they have heard of the incredible bekius of the Shas Yiden. I knowpersonally that you have elevated the desire of learning tomany thousands. Even thosewho have notmerited to learn in the total encompassingmanner that you do, but at least they understand that there is such a concept ofmastering the entire Shas.” Maran Hagaon Harav Bezalel Rudinsky, Rosh Yeshiva Ohr Reuven, Rav Cong. Ahavas Yitzchok, Monsey NY At Farher and Siyum Hashas – Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5781 “Never inmy life have I seen such a fascinating Torah sight - young avreichimwith a full mastery of the entire Shas, Rashi and Tosfos, like others knowAshrei Yoshvei” Maran Hagaon Harav ChaimWeiss, shlit"a, Rav Ha’ir Beitar Illit At Farher and Siyum Hashas – Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5781 “The amazing Shas Yiden geonimdemonstrated no limits to their incredible proficiency throughout Shaswhen I farhered them. Fortunate are theywhomerit to partnerwith them.” Maran Hagaon Harav Bunim Schreiber, shlit"a, Yeshiva Nesiv Hadaas, Yerushalayim The most recent Shas farhers at Shas Yiden were conducted by Hageonim: