44 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE The appearance of mysterious men on missions of rescue and salvation throughout our nation’s history has always been attributed to the Prophet Eliyahu. Who exactly is this man, and how does he continue to impact upon the survival of the Jewish Nation ? This month’s installment surveys the words of our Sages and ancient history in order to present a clearer picture of Eliyahu Hanavi and the role he will play in our redemption process and in shaping our nation’s future. The Last Recorded Prophecy The Tanach contains many recorded prophecies pertaining to Mashiah’s arrival and the events that will unfold at that time. In the final prophecy recorded before the end of nevua (prophecy), the prophet Malachi conveys the following promise to the Jewish people: “Behold I will send to you Eliyahu Hanavi prior to the onset of the great and awesome day of Gd…” (Malachi 3:23) . The commentaries 1 explain that “the great and awesome day of Gd” refers to the time of Mashiah’s arrival. Just prior to the onset of the Messianic age, the ancient prophet Eliyahu, who lived during the First Temple era, will be sent forth and appear in person to the Jewish nation to herald our redemption. When Exactly Will Eliyahu Come? We find different indications as to when precisely Eliyahu will arrive. The commonly assumed opinion 2 is that he will arrive together with Mashiah ben David. In fact, many have the custom to recite a short prayer before or after havdalah on Mossa’ei Shabbat, “ Eliyahu Hanavi…bimhera yavo elenu im Mashiah ben David – Eliyahu Hanavi... may he speedily come forth to us with Mashiah ben David.” Other sources 3 , however, claim that Eliyahu will arrive one or three days before Mashiah ben David, while others say that he will come even earlier, before Mashiah ben Yosef. 4 Eliyahu’s Job What is the purpose behind Eliyahu’s arrival? What role will he fill in the redemptive process? Firstly 5 , Eliyahu will come to announce to the world the news of Mashiah’s imminent arrival and the dawn of a new chapter in the existence of mankind – “The Messianic Era.” Secondly 6 , he will guide the Jewish Nation toward complete repentance and prepare them for the final redemption. Lastly 7 , Eliyahu will bring back the special anointing oil for the anointing of Mashiah and the purifying waters of the parah adumah (red heifer) needed to purify the nation. Our sages 8 explain the intent of why specifically Eliyahu was chosen to announce Mashiah’s arrival. As Eliyahu was transformed into an angel and ascended to heaven alive, he is the only one on hand throughout the generations with the ability to appear at any given moment should the need arise. Now that he has this mission, he will ensure that Mashiah does arrive for the Jewish Nation so that he can complete his task. The Midrash notes 9 that on five occasions in the Tanach, the name “Eliyahu” is spelled in an unusual fashion, without the letter vav . Correspondingly, the Midrash observes, we find the name “Yaakov” spelled with an extra vav five times in Tanach. The Midrash explains that Yaakov Avinu took the letter from Eliyahu as a security that he will fulfill his difficult mission to ensure that his children will be worthy of redemption in the end of days. Thus, Malachi’s promise that Eliyahu will come to us essentially promises that Eliyahu will fulfill his mission of preparing us for the final redemption. (Interestingly enough, Yaakov specifically took the letter vav , which has the numerical value of six, alluding to the guarantee that Eliyahu will come to facilitate the redemption by the Hebrew year six thousand. 10 ) Who is Eliyahu Hanavi? The book of Melachim relates numerous incidents involving the prophet Eliyahu and the miracles he performed, yet it provides virtually no information about his personal life and background. We are told only that he originated from the town of Toshav and resided in the city of Gilad. He lived and prophesied during the reign of King Ahav and his son King Ahazyahu, who ruled over the Northern Kingdom of Israel in the middle of the First Temple era. We also read that he ascended alive to heaven in a fiery chariot, elevated to the level of the angels. 11 However, nothing else about his life or origins is recorded. The most famous and commonly accepted view identifies Eliyahu as the righteous zealot Pinhas 12 , the grandson of Aharon Hakohen, who lived during the Jewish people’s travels in the desert and entered the Land of Israel. Gd rewarded Pinhas with everlasting longevity when he risked his life to kill Zimri, prince of The Arrival of Eliyahu Hanavi Before Mashiah - Part VII R’ ELIYAHU CHAIM ABOUD