Community Magazine June 2019

44 Community Magazine Summer Living Arrangements Sharing a house with friends or extended family can be stressful, even without having someone with a food allergy. The first thing to do is to make sure you have EpiPens and Benadryl that are not expired. These need to be on you, and in the house in a designated spot that everyone knows about. Paulette loves to make charts to put on the fridge, to remind everyone what the protocol is in the event of, Gd forbid, an allergic reaction. However, prevention is always your best bet. A great way of avoiding accidental exposure is to take control of food shopping. Whether you are sharing a house with family or friends, it’s a great idea to go to the supermarket together to show them what staple snacks and food options are safe for your child. Don’t hesitate to teach someone what to look out for in ingredients, even if they don’t have a child with food allergies. Knowledge is power, and you never know if they will need to know this information in the future. Menu Frieda Schweky planning at the beginning of the week can also help things run smoothly. Communication is Key Ultimately, everyone in that house needs to be aware of the allergy, and what is not safe to bring into the house. One of the biggest struggles people share with Paulette is family issues regarding food allergies. Unfortunately, some families have members who are not understanding, or have a rigid attitude and don’t take food allergies seriously. Paulette tries to work with parents on how to properly communicate with family members and friends. It’s critical to explain the risks and to help them understand what you’re going through. After doing this for many years, Paulette has found that one needs to be totally transparent with people about what you are comfortable with and what you are not okay with. There are ways to be assertive and respectful at the same time. That type of communication can help you deal with any type of person and any type of scenario. It’s that time of year when school is coming to an end and summer is about to begin.With that, a relaxed and refreshed sensation comes upon us. But it’s important to remember to remain organized and focused when it comes to your child’s allergies. The Nut Job Mom, Paulette Cohen, has yet again offered to share her helpful tips to ensure that safety comes first! A great way to stay organized is to prepare yourself for your summer living arrangements, camp, and parties. Allergy Safety in the Summer