Community Magazine August 2017

AV - ELUL 5777 AUGUST 2017 91 EFRAIM HARARI IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION for Peleh the Boy Wonder, send it to: Adapted by Efraim Harari of The Jewish World of Wonders. Books in The Jewish World of Wonder Series include Exploring the Wild World of Animals and Exploring the Wisdom &Wonders of the Universe, published by Israel Bookshop Publications. Community Magazine 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11223 Att: Peleh Wunder Email: THERE ARE VARIOUS TYPES OF VOLCANOES. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MOST COMMON KINDS OF VOLCANOES: Cinder Cones. These volcanoes are a round-cone or an oval-cone shape and do not get as tall as some other kinds of volcanoes. They are formed when lava is shot up into the air from a vent in the ground and then falls back to the ground and cools off, making a little cone shape around the vent. Cinder cone volcanoes do not cause a big explosion when they erupt. These volcanoes usually have a crater at the top, which is a bowl-shaped indentation. Composite Volcanoes. These volcanoes are also cone shaped, but they can get very tall and they have steep sides, like a mountain. Composite volcanoes are formed when thick, hot lava, together with large chunks of rock and ash, shoot up out of a vent. The lava flows downward and then cools in its place. The next time the volcano erupts, the same thing happens, and the mountain is built up even higher, with more layers of cooled lava and rock. Most of the tall volcanoes, like Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier in Washington and Mount Fuji in Japan, are composite volcanoes. These volcanoes usually cause a big explosion when they erupt, although between eruptions you might not even be able to tell they are volcanoes, because they are very quiet and look just like any other mountain. Shield Volcanoes. These volcanoes are very different from the other types. They are usually very wide, because they are formed when liquid lava emerges from a vent in Earth's crust and spreads out into a flat sheet that extends a long way from the site of the vent. As the lava cools, it dips down in the center, leaving sloped sides like a shield. Some of the biggest volcanoes in the world are shield volcanoes, such as Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaii. These volcanoes do not explode the way composite volcanoes do; instead, lava just flows gently out of them. Mauna Loa Mount Etna Mount Fuji Volcanologist A person who studies volcanoes is called a volcanologist . A volcanologist studies lava, as well as the water and rocks that are around the sites of volcanoes, to learn what is going on inside a volcano. The information gathered is used in tests and observations to help scientists predict when a volcano might erupt next.