Community Magazine August 2017

AV - ELUL 5777 AUGUST 2017 83 T 732 . 901 . 3009 F 732 . 901 . 4012 SHANKY ’ S 02 . 538 . 6936 LEHMANNS 0191 . 430 . 0333 1.888.536.7427 | Marvels of Creation from a Torah PersPecTive No matter if you are a child or an adult, Hashem’s magnificent and amazing world was created for you to take an interest in and learn from. So go ahead... open these books, and let the exploration begin! Efraim Harari COMMUNITY M A G A Z I N E LIKE US? so... and.. To get the latest updates, jokes, contests, article previews, breaking news and more! @communitymagazine “The Community Magazine”