Community Magazine August 2017
82 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE co mm unity HIGHL IGHTS When a loved one is seriously ill, there are usually critical care decisions to be made. When the physician says: …there is no treatment for your loved one. …it would be inappropriate to place your loved one on a respirator. …a feeding tube is not recommended. …it makes sense to sign a DNR/DNI. …hospice is the most appropriate option. …your loved one is ready for discharge and you need to choose a facility. Turn to Hayim Aruchim for support and guidance! Hayim Aruchim consultants are trained in both medicine and halacha, leaving them expertly equipped to offer you support and advice. The Sephardic Division has recently formed and is proud to have a top team of professionals on hand. They include: Rabbi Eliezer Harari as Halachic Advisor; Rabbi Joseph Srour; Rabbi Raymond Beyda and Rabbi Raymond Haber as Medical Halachic Consultants; Dr. Albert Matalon, MD as a Medical Advisor, and Pinny Most as Care Navigator. Call Hayim Aruchim’s 24-hour hotline at 347 578 8200. For more information, please visit . Kids of Courage is a Jewish volunteer-based organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and young adults with serious medical diagnoses. The organization does this by sponsoring many events that are more like adventures to the ill children who attend them. On August 3rd, Kids of Courage will be taking 130 sick children and young adults, with all the required medical supervision and life support equipment, to a medically supervised camp. Just imagine: For eight days children from across the United States and around the world will leave their hospitals or sick rooms and be surrounded by fun-filled activities. Once in Tyson, Virginia, they will leave the pressure of their illnesses behind. The Kids of Courage rule of the thumb is that the sicker the child is, the more likely he is to be accepted to the camp. After all, children with serious illnesses deserve the chance to have an unforgettable summer. At camp, they have an opportunity to recuperate from the physically and emotionally exhausting lifestyles they lead. This dose of relaxation is appreciated by both parents and children alike, giving them much-needed strength going forward. Many say that this week at camp is the highlight of their year. When a child is diagnosed with a serious medical illness, it takes a toll on the entire family. This is where Kids of Courage steps in, offering year-round support by assisting withmedical referrals, hospital visits, toy drives, weekend retreats, monthly events, and this medically supervised summer adventure. All services provided are free to the children and families; these families have enough to worry about without having to consider the finances required to participate in KOC activities. The Kids of Courage summer camp is about to begin and there are campers who need to be sponsored! To donate to this cause, or receive more information, please contact Esther Cohen at or call 917-921-4276. Announcing the Formation of the Sephardic Division of Hayim Aruchim David Greenfield Chooses Not to Seek Re-election in Order to Become the New CEO of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty Sponsors Needed for Kids of Courage Eight-Day Summer Camp City Councilman David Greenfield made a surprising announcement in mid-July: He will step down when his term ends in order to become the new CEO of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, an organization that does important non-profit work for the community. “I love being a councilman; it’s wonderful to be in the thick of things,” Greenfield said. “But part of the purpose of serving the public is to try to figure out where you can make the greatest impact.” Greenfield is a moderate voice on the council and one of its most influential lawmakers. As chair of the Land Use Committee, he oversaw numerous re-zoning efforts. He plans to stay on the council until his term ends on December 31st 2017. Kalman Yeger was offered Councilman Greenfield's ballot lines in his Boro Park district, making him the frontrunner to win in the November election.
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