Community Magazine August 2017
Many do not realize that Sephardim are also susceptible to genetic disease. In fact, over the past few years, many individuals from the Sephardic community reached out to Dor Yeshorim because they gave birth to children with fatal and debilitating genetic diseases r”l. Based on experience and scientific research gathered through the years of testing thousands of Sephardim, Dor Yeshorim introduced an all-new panel that screens for genetic diseases prevalent in Sephardi / Mizrachi communities. One simple, easy and confidential test can make all the difference in the world when it comes to your family’s future. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Let’s do our hishtadlut and with Hashem’s help, we can lifeguard the health of AmYisrael, together! Call today to get screened! בס"ד TRUE or FALSE? The problem with the gene pool is that there is NO lifeguard. 718.384.6060 Dor Yeshorim is an international premarital genetic screening program to prevent Jewish genetic diseases, conducting screenings worldwide, spearheading ongoing & groundbreaking genetic research and assisting families affected with genetic disease.
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