Community Magazine October 2014

tishrei 5775 oCtober 2014 75 ANSWER: Dear Alex and Janet, One reason is because your teeth are wet and slick. But additionally, when you chew gum, the gum becomes wet and slippery from your saliva. In this state, the gum is not able to stick to your teeth, since there is too much water between them. But when you let gum dry for a little bit, then push it against a dry surface, it will stick. How do hot-air balloons rise up in the air? Hot-air balloons are able to rise into the air because they are filled with hot air, which is lighter than the colder air outside of the balloon. When we warm the inside of the balloon, the balloon rises just like a ball filled with air will rise to the surface of the water in a swimming pool and then float on the water‛s surface. How does a thermos bottle keep liquids hot (or cold)? A thermos bottle can keep the liquid it contains hot (or cold) because it actually consists of two bottles, which fit closely one inside the other. In fact, the fit is so close that not even air separates the two bottles. In the case of a hot liquid, the heat of the liquid does not come in contact with the air. Thus, the heat is not transferred from the liquid to the air and the liquid stays hot. Similarly, in the case of a cold liquid, the liquid does not come in contact with the warmer air. Thus, the heat is not transferred from the air to the liquid and the liquid stays cold. Why does a cat always fall on its feet? The cat has a special and rare ability: even if it falls from a very high place, it reaches the ground and lands on its feet without getting hurt. How does this miracle happen? Well, a cat has a very sensitive balance organ, located inside its ear. This organ contains sensitive tiny hairs that send the brain information about the position of the head in relation to the ground. Moving the head affects these balance-hairs, and within a split second, they send this new information to the brain. The brain then sends orders to the different organs of the body, telling them to turn so that the legs of the cat will be the first to hit the ground. The legs themselves are gifted by Gd with special “cushions” made from extremely hard skin. These “cushions” serve as shock absorbers and breaks. When cats jump or fall from a high place, these “cushions” on their legs make their landing softer and keep their bones safe. Why do many animals have eyes on the sides of their head? When we note the position of an animal‛s eyes, we can immediately determine whether it eats meat or whether it is a vegetarian, or an herbivorous animal. The eyes of herbivorous animals are on the sides of their head because they must always be able to see as much of their environment as possible in order to distinguish an imminent danger in the form of a predator. For example, Hashem has given ducks a 360-degree field of vision, which enables them to see predators trying to stealthily approach them from behind.