Community Magazine October 2014

tishrei 5775 oCtober 2014 47 YOU JUDGE ! BE THE YOU BE THE JUDGE and send your response to Verdicts – and the accompanying rationale – will be reviewed by the Rosh Bet Din. The first three correct submissions received before the deadline will win a $50 gift certificate to a Community Magazine advertiser! Correct entries will receive honorable mention in the next issue when the Rosh Bet Din’s verdict is printed. Congratulations to last month's winners: Allan Mordechai Ben-Dayan and Michail Sunitsky THE BATTLE OF JERICHO Shirley brought her car for repairs toDanny’s garage. Danny raised her car on a car lift, and upon inspection detected the source of the problem. As a good friend of Shirley’s husband, Danny offered her a replacement car for the duration of the time needed to repair her car, and she proudly drove home in a luxurious SUV. That night, Shirley’s 18-year-old son drove the SUV and parked it outside the Palestinian town of Jericho, where he was employed as a guard for a factory. The car was stolen sometime before sunrise, and as soon as Shirley heard of the theft, she contacted Danny and informed him of the misfortune. Danny, who openly admitted in Bet Din to buying used parts for his garage from the Arab underground of Jericho, was able to retrieve the SUV after making only a few phone calls. While Danny was obviously well connected with the network of thieves, the recovery of his car nevertheless came at a cost of $1,000. In Bet Din, Danny demanded that Shirley reimburse him for this expense which he incurred. He claimed that Shirley had no right to allow her 18-year-old son to drive his SUV, and certainly not to park it overnight outside Jericho, a town that is known for rampant auto theft. Shirley, who was baffled by the entire episode, understood Danny’s claim but felt that the matter should be brought before a Bet Din. HOW SHOULD THE BET DIN RULE, AND WHY? DOC ’ S PHARMACY 559 KINGS HIGHWAY (Bet. E. 4th & 5th Streets) TEL: 718.627.1145 FAX: 718.627.2193 Seasonal Allergies? Come in, we have everything you need to help you.