Community Magazine July 2014

76 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE FRANCES HADDAD FH: Thanks for speaking with me today. I’m really interested in hearing about your fitness journey. So, tell me, when did you start running? Adele: Well, when I was still in high school, my brother used to take me running around the block. I used to do a three mile with him. He also used to take me to the JCC, and I’d run three miles on the treadmill. From then on, running became a part of me. When I got married and had my son, running became something I did because I needed a quick and convenient way of exercising. I couldn’t go to a class or gym, so I would get up early to run. Eventually I started running marathons. At this point, I have been running marathons for 10 years. And the truth is, the more I run, the more I want to run and the more I love to run. FH: Wow, that’s fantastic. What would say you like most about running? Adele: The truth is I love being without a phone and having my own time. When I’m out running I can escape the stress in my day for a little while. I have had the chance to run marathons all over the world; that’s another benefit of running. I get to travel. I’ve run in San Diego, Berlin, Chicago, Boston, Florida and Philadelphia. I love that running is not a race. I’m just trying to better myself and take care of my own health without competing with anyone else. Every time I cross the finish line, no matter what my time is, I know I’m a winner. FH: That’s an excellent perspective. Is there anything you find difficult about running? Adele: Actually, there’s nothing difficult about it at all. You just put on your sneakers, walk out your front door and put one step in front of the other. Just make sure to have good sneakers, so you can do what you have to do! FH: Tell me how you prepare for running. Adele: I run about four days each week. One day I do a long run, the next a recovery run, and other times I do speed-work. I also have an off-season, where I switch up my routine a little bit so I don’t risk burning out. During that time I go to the gym and walk up the treadmill on an incline. I just change it up a little. FH: We live in New York where it tends to get freezing. So do you take off when the weather gets bad? Adele: I like to say that there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes. FH: Love that one! I’m also curious to hear what your diet looks like. What do you eat before a run? Adele: It’s important to eat a balanced diet. I generally try to eat vegetarian, but I do have fish. Before I run, I cook steel cut oats with one cup of almond milk, one cup of water and two chopped up dates on the stovetop. It’s delicious and extremely healthy. Or I take six dates and stick them in a blender with some water for a healthy energy drink. An apple and almond butter is also excellent. FH: Delicious. I’d like to try those sometime. So, what advice would you give to people who want get into running? Adele: First of all, stay in shape. Run daily and be prepared to get a coach. Realize that every marathon is a different experience depending on many factors like the weather and the location. Go online and search The Couch to 5k Running Plan to set attainable goals. Soon you’ll be running a 10k, then half marathon and eventually a marathon. Running is your best fitness option. You don’t have to be a member of any gym, you don’t have to pay for a class. You don’t have to be on time anywhere, there’s no need to make an appointment. Just walk out your front door! With running comes a sense of accomplishment. When I run, I set goals, and as I accomplish them, I learn more about myself. When I’m running 26.2 miles, there is plenty of time to think and reflect. If you find that running is something you love to do, do it! Remember that you don’t need to feel intimidated; we all started somewhere. It’s not a competition, you are just striving to improve yourself. All of us contemplate getting in shape at one time or another, but only a select few have actually made fitness into a lifestyle. Adele Laboz is one of those select few. After chatting with Adele, who has run a whopping seven marathons this year, I learned that running is a fabulous and practical way to get healthy and stay fit. Here is Adele’s story, and her tips for those who want to incorporate running into their fitness regimen. One on One with: ADELE LABOZ, Marathon Runner Extraordinaire