Community Magazine June 2014

102 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Was Extinguished on East 4 th Street This is a per onal tribute to my dearest mother-in-law, Mrs. Rena Haber , a true esh t hayil. I cannot attempt to describe the tremendous void that my wife, children, and grandchildren are enduring since you left us. Grandma, you were our guiding light, and now a veritable darkness pervades our world. As the family of your only daughter, we are grateful that you were such a big part of our lives, and we yours. It was such a privilege to bask in your presence ― you had such a noble and elegant spirit, constantly praising and thanking Hashem for everything. Your positive countenance was a beautiful lesson for us, and we so often find ourselves asking, “What would Grandma do?” We frequently reflect upon your rich and blessed life which you credited to the daily berachot that you recited since your youth. I am trying my best to follow your example. We are eternally grateful to Dr. Robert Matalon for his devoted care in extending your life. And your daily visitors included your wonderful neighbors. To them I say: she loved you all, especially the children. The thoughtfulness and companionship you provided were a source of pleasure and excitement in her final days, and it is very much appreciated. Grandma, I believe our community has suffered an immeasurable loss since your passing. You touched so many lives in such meaningful ways. The stories of your graciousness to our visiting community salesmen when you lived in Puerto Rico are an inspiration ― from your famous Rubuh’ful and to all the other delicious meals you served with great LUV. The hesed you showered upon your siblings was amazing. They always reminisce about the many kindnesses you bestowed. And your charity was constant and generous. For each Sephardic Home event, your check came first ― and was the most precious. And all the money you donated to the brides was so special and was given quietly ― only I was aware of it. Grandma, you were a model of royalty and spirituality, and you will be sorely missed, especially on East 4th Street where you reigned for 62 years. Please pray that your loved ones, the community, and Eretz Yisrael witness the coming of Mashiach speedily in our days, so that we can be reunited. With much love and respect, Your favorite British son-in-law, Raymond Cohen the Barber