Community Magazine April 2014

As time recedes from the most horrifying chapter in Jewish history, there is a great risk that many Jews will be little - or misinformed - of the evil that occurred in Nazi Germany during WWII. This text is not a comprehensive or detailed study. Rather, it is perhaps the best, brief account available relating the history of this tragic event. Informative, compelling, and with a unique religious analysis. If you're going to read only one book about the Holocaust, consider this one. We simply cannot afford the luxury of forgetting. T H E H O L O C A U S T A H I S T O R Y F R OM A J E W I S H P E R S P E C T I V E B Y C H A R L E S S A R W A Y T O S A V E T H E F U T U R E , R EMEMB E R T H E PA S T ! DISTRIBUTED BY FELDHEIM Available at: ,, and at Jewish bookstores