Community Magazine April 2014

The Top 10 Questions & Answers on custom and laws of Dedicated in loving memory of HachamNissim benMazal a.h &Jamileh batMazal Cohen a.h . Birkat Hai’lanot RABBI DANIEL D. LEVY 1 WHAT IS BLRKAT HA’ILANOT? The Shulhan Aruch (Orah Haim 226) rules that when one sees two trees with budding flowers during the month of Nissan, he recites the berachah, “Baruch Atah Hashem Elokenu Melech ha’olam shelo hiser be’olamo kelum ubara bo beriyot tovot ve’ilanot tovot lehanot bahem benei adam” (“Blessed are You, Hashem, our Gd, Master of the universe, who made nothing lacking in His world and created good creations and good trees for people’s benefit”). This blessing is recited only once a year. ( Hazon Ovadia, Birkat Ha’ilanot, 1) 2 ON WHAT TYPE OF TREES IS THIS BERACHAH RECITED? Birkat ha’ilanot is recited only on fruit trees, though if one accidently recited it on regular trees, and he later sees fruit trees, he should not repeat the berachah . The berachah should be recited only upon seeing two trees, even if they are from the same type. Preferably, one should recite the berachah over two trees of different species, as long as they are within view of each other. 3 MAY ONE RECITE BIRKAT HA’ILANOT ON SHABBAT OR YOM TOV Many poskim , including Hacham Bentzion Abba Shaul ( Or Letzion , vol. 3, 6:5), forbid reciting the berachah on Shabbat. The Kaf Hahaim explains that in Kabbalistic thought, reciting the blessing on trees has the effect of extracting sparks of holiness from the trees, which may violate the Shabbat transgression of borer (separating). The Ben Ish Hai (in his Orah Haim commentary to the Haggadah) adds that the berachah should not be recited on Shabbat because one might detach a fruit from the tree, in violation of Shabbat. Hacham Ovadia Yosef, however, permits reciting the beracha on Shabbat and Yom Tov, though he adds that it should preferably be recited on a weekday, unless one would then run the risk of missing the opportunity to fulfill this mitzvah ( Hazon Ovadia, Hilchot Birkat Ha’ilanot , halacha 5). 4 WHAT IS THE EARLIEST AND LATEST TIME FOR ONE TO RECITE THE BERACHAH ? The ideal time for reciting birkat ha’ilanot is during the month of Nissan, and thus it should preferably not be recited during Adar. If one did not recite the berachah in Nissan, he may still do so during the month of lyar. According to some authorities, including Hacham Bentzion Abba Shaul (vol. 3, 6:2), one who recites the berachah during Iyar should omit from the berachah the phrase “Hashem Elokenu Melech ha’olam.” Hacham Ovadia Yosef (ibid, halachah 7) rules that as long as the trees are budding and their fruit has not yet grown, one may recite the full text of the berachah even during Iyar. 5 CAN A BLIND PERSON RECITE THIS BERACHAH ? Hacham Ovadia Yosef (ibid, halachah 9) rules that a blind person may not recite birkat ha’ilanot , as he cannot see the trees, but he should preferably try to hear the berachah recited by somebody else. 6 MAY BIRKAT HA’ILANOT BE RECITED AT NIGHTTIME? Hacham Ovadia Yosef (ibid, 1) allows reciting the berachah at night, provided there is enough light that he could differentiate between the various stages of budding. 7 MAY ONE RECITE BIRKAT HA’ILANOT ON TREES THAT ARE GRAFTED? Many authorities rule that one should not recite the berachah on trees that are grafted. As grafting violates the will of Hashem, it is inappropriate to bless and thank Hashem for such a tree. However, Hacham Ovadia Yosef cites those who argue that since the berachah refers not to any particular tree, but rather to the creation of trees generally, one may recite the berachah on grafted trees. Nevertheless, in light of the different opinions on the subject, it is preferable not to recite birkat ha’ilanot on grafted trees. 8 MAY ONE RECITE THIS BERACHAH DURING THE SHEMITAH YEAR? One may recite a berachah on trees during the shemitah year, even if forbidden work was performed on them, with the exception of trees that were planted during the shemitah year in violation of halachah . The prohibition of shemitah is only applicable on trees that grow in the Land of Israel. 9 MAY ONE RECITE BIRKAT HA’ILANOT ON FRUIT TREES AFTER THE FRUIT HAS BEGUN TO SPROUT? One may recite the berachah even once the fruit has begun to sprout, as long as there are still flowers on the trees. Once the flowers have fallen off, the berachah may no longer be recited. ( Or Letzion vol. 3, 6:6) 10 ARE WOMEN OBLIGATED TO RECITE BIRKAT HA’ILANOT ? Women are not included in the obligation of birkat ha’ilanot . Although many authorities (including Hacham Bentzion Abba Shaul and Hacham Ovadia Yosef) allow women to recite this berachah , the prevailing custom in the Syrian community is that women do not recite the blessing. If a woman wishes, she can have her husband keep her in mind while reciting birkat ha’ilanot . 56 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE