Community Magazine March 2014

60 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE The kosher dining experience has seen a tremendous uptick in fine eateries around the globe. Businessmen traveling to remote parts of the United States (and beyond) can attest to the many food establishments now catering to the kosher observant. Places such as Atlanta, Georgia, Denver, Colorado and Detroit, Michigan now all have delectable eating destinations. The times of stuffing that air-packed deli sandwich into your carry-on only hoping that it stays fresh throughout the flight, are a thing of the past. Regardless of where your travels may take you, here are 10 simple rules that will help enhance your kosher dining experience. Of Fine Kosher Dining The Do’s And Don’ts DAVID M HABER DO’S ...TRUST, BUT VERIFY What others deem kosher, you may not. It is imperative to fully research a restaurant’s kashrut certification to ascertain if it meets your standards. Even if you have eaten there in the past, if you haven’t patronized it in a while be sure to double check that its certification hasn’t changed. If you’re uncertain about a specific rabbi or certification listed as the hashgahah, speak with someone whom you trust and is knowledgeable in the field of kashrut or has eaten at that particular establishment to determine if it is right for you. ...KNOW BEFORE YOU GO If you plan to eat somewhere you have never been before, inquire with friends or acquaintances as to what to expect. Do not assume you can anticipate the quality of the food or the ambiance based on an establishment’s location or pricing. The food industry is a fickle business and can change on a whim. Before you go, be certain that it will be worth your time and money. You can search google images all you want, but there’s no way of knowing if the place smells to high heavens of curry unless you ask someone who’s been there .