Community Magazine March 2014

Junior Riddle: Subtraction SUBMITTED BY: Frieda M. SUBMITTED BY: Nathan H. There are following conditions in Bankersville: No two inhabitants have the same number of coins in the bank. No inhabitant has exactly 518 coins. There are more inhabitants in the town than any inhabitant’s amount of coins. What is the highest possible number of inhabitants? Last Month’s Riddle: Equation Rectify the following equation 101 – 102 = 1 by moving just one digit. Solution: Move the numeral 2 half a line up to achieve 101-10²=1. Solved by: Bless family, Moshe N, Jacqueline, Daniela Blum, Yosef Aaron Blum, Eliezer Blum, Esther Blum and Yael Blum . How many times can you subtract the number 2 from the number 32? Last Month’s Riddle: Sock Drawer There is a drawer with 15 single white socks and 15 single black socks. What is the least amount of socks you would have to take out to get a pair? Solution: 3, because if you were to take out 1 white sock and 1 black sock, the next one would either be white or black and you would have a pair. Solved by: Hillel H., David Cohen, Dina Sharaby, Eli Ammach , Mimi Haboba, Rosalie Rudy and Esther Erani, Yosef Aaron Blum, Esther Blum, Eliezer Blum, Yael Blum and Daniela Blum. NO TAIL Q. What kind of dog has no tail? A. A hot dog. Eli Koslowitz ORDERING PIZZA Some tips on how to bother the pizza guy when you’re ordering pizza: Ask for the guy who took your order last time. Ask if you get to keep the pizza box. When they say yes, heave a sigh of relief. Order a one-inch pizza. Tell them to put the crust on top this time. Say hello, act stunned for ve seconds, then behave as if they called you. Miriam G. RESTAURANT RECOMMENDATIONS Sarah, Rose and Anne went to a restaurant together to celebrate old times. “I would like some Red Hot Soup,” Sarah said to the waiter. “ at soup is very spicy,” the waiter warned. “Why don’t you try the Garden Vegetable Soup, instead?” “Alright,” said Sarah. “You know better than me, a er all you are the waiter!” “And how about you, Ma’am?” said the waiter, turning to Rose. “I think I’ll take the poached sh,” Rose replied, a er carefully examining the menu. “The fish is very bland,” the waiter said. “Why don’t you try the Rib Steak with Garlic Marinade?” “OK, I’ll take that instead,” said Rose. “And how about you?” said the waiter, turning to Anne. “I don’t know, I can’t decide,” said Anne, looking up from the menu. “What do you recommend?” “Recommend?” said the waiter with a surprised look on his face. “Who has time to recommend stu smack in the middle of dinner hour!” E. Cohen ORDER UP Jim walked into his favorite restaurant. “I’d like a steak well done with mashed potatoes,” he ordered to the waitress. ree minutes later, when his order came, Jim asked, “Didn’t you hear me say ‘well done’?” “Why thank you sir,” the waitress said with a huge smile. “ at was the rst compliment I got all day!” S. Sutton COUPON I sent my young son to pick up ice cream, handing him some money and a coupon. Later he came home with the ice cream and the coupon. When I asked him what happened, he replied, “I had enough money, Mom. I didn’t need the coupon.” F. Mizrahi MEAT THERMOMETER One day my little daughter was watching my wife in the kitchen while she was making turkey for supper. When my wife stuck a meat thermometer inside the turkey, my daughter made a sour face and said, “You’re not going to get me to eat that, Mom!” “Why not?” my wife asked. “Because if it’s sick I don’t want any!” Sarah D. SUPPER EXPECTATIONS Girl: What are we having for supper? Mother: Pancakes. Girl: I was expecting something like chicken. Mother: Well, I’m also expecting, only I’m expecting a baby. Esther S. A CAN OF BEANS ree men are alone on a desert island: an engineer, a biologist and an economist. ey are starving and don’t have a thing to eat, but somehow they nd a can of beans on the shore. e engineer says, “Let’s hit the can with a rock until it opens.” e biologist has another idea: “No. We should wait for a while. Erosion will do the job.” Finally, the economist says, “Let’s assume that we have a can opener.” Nathan H. Riddle: Bankersville 100 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE