Community Magazine February 2014

Largest Polaroid Camera In 1976, the Polaroid Corporation built the first prototype of the largest Polaroid camera that is still in use today: the 20 x 24. This camera produces instant photos measuring 20 x 24 inches!The camera weighs 235 pounds and is moved around on a wheeled base. INCREDIBLE Largest Living Cat Hercules is an adult male liger (a feline hybrid from a lion and a tigress) housed at Myrtle Beach Safari, a wildlife reserve in South Carolina. He is 10 ft. 11 in. in length, stands 4 ft. 1 in. at the shoulder, and weighs 922 pounds! He eats around 25 pounds of meat every day. Fastest Motorcycle American cyclist Rocky Robinson achieved an average speed of 376 mph in his Top Oil-Ack Attack streamliner over 0.6 miles at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah on September 25, 2010. Oldest Candy Store The oldest candy shop in the world can be found in Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire in the UK. Aptly named, “Oldest Sweet Shop in England,” it first opened its doors in 1827. Most of the candies are still made in traditional copper pans and molds that are over 100 years old. Most Expensive Vacuum Cleaner The jewel-encrusted HYLA GST Swarovski Edition vacuum cleaner is the most expensive vacuum cleaner – costing a clean $21,900. It contains 32,000 Swarovski Element crystals, and is available online for purchase. 88 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE