Community Magazine February 2014

68 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Shaatra Does It FRANCES HADDAD SHAATRA: Moms With Careers Pick up a mother’s to-do-list and you’re likely to find phrases such as “drop shoes to the shoemaker” and “pick up ingredients for dinner.” Now, picture this: the same Mom has deadlines to adhere to, meetings to schedule and work projects to finish. The truth is, Moms with Careers know that striking the perfect work-life balance isn’t easy. Between getting the kids out to school, getting to work on time, and getting dinner on the table, working moms can feel that they’re constantly expect- ed to be in two (or more) places at once. And as mom stands in the middle of it all, trying to juggle both work and family life, she can end up feeling just a tad dizzy. You may be a mom who has been part of the workforce for decades, or you may have just recently decided to return to work after years of childrearing. Whether you work out of financial necessity, to utilize a degree, to fulfill a need for a creative outlet, or all of the above, it’s helpful to learn the tried-and-true tricks of those moms who seem to do it all. And here’s a little bonus: Stay At Home Moms, who are involved in the most important of all careers (that of building a Jewish home!), can also benefit from incorporating these tricks into their daily routines. And the next time your neighbor gives you that look of awe and exclaims, “You’re amazing! How do you do it all?” you’ll be ready to say, “I’d love to teach you what’s been working for me!” Send in your tips for the next edition Food & Dining mobile: Scan the QR code at right online: email: facsimile: 718-504-4246 postal mail: 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11223 Menu Planning Picture the scene: It’s 4:30 and you’ve just gotten out of work. You pull up in front of your house just in time to get your kids off the bus. All at once, they announce that they are absolutely starving! And you have no idea what to make for dinner! So you race inside, peer into the pantry, and discover that cans of olives and boxes of macaroni are the only available options. As you pour the noodles into the boiling pot of water and realize that you have served the same meal two other times this week, you know that something’s gotta change. It goes without saying that dinnertime can be stressful. Planning a menu every Sunday is one way to ensure an organized week. Once you’re done planning, write a list of ingredients and purchase the necessary items during your next trip to the grocery store. Besides avoiding the tension that accompanies the million dollar “What’s for dinner?” question, you’ll have all the ingredients you need to whip up your pre-planned meal. And if your week doesn’t lend time for cooking, using Sunday to stash your freezer with mini pizzas, spanach and chicken cutlets will save the most hectic of days. It’s Good Enough! As women, we often strive for perfection. But let’s face it: perfection is not always realistic, so it’s important to lower our expectations and cut ourselves some slack. Sure, it’s important to keep a clean home, but the fact is your children are more likely to value the quality time you spend with them as opposed to how often you spray Windex on your windows. Remember that your priority is to be a calm and happy wife and mother, and sometimes that means letting the dishes sit in the sink overnight and reading your kids a bedtime story instead . Your Health Matters The only one who will take care of your health is you, so it is imperative to do all you can to be sure that you are functioning optimally. That means getting a good night’s sleep, exercising, eating well and taking a few minutes a day to do something that you enjoy. You may choose to drink a steaming cup of tea, lather on a moisturizing lotion or read an uplifting article in order to rejuvenate yourself and find the energy you need to put your best foot forward. Taking care of yourself is the greatest gift you can give to all those around you, as they will benefit from your zest for life and renewed spirit. Yes, being a working mom (and a stay-at-home one!) comes along with lots of responsibility, and takes loads of dedication and organization. Doing all you can to do it all with a smile will allow you to relish the fruits of your labor. R E A D E R S T I P S R emember that this is a time where your kids are young, and it is important to let the mess slide sometimes. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It may be a good idea to ask your local school to send over a mother’s helper for an hour a week. SusanCohen R eally utilize Shabbats and Sundays to spend time with your children. VickyC.