Community Magazine December 2013
If you need aspirin just to get through the day... DR. MELINDA KELLER “Practicing Modern Chiropractic the old-fashioned way” Pediatric Care | Postural Correction Low Back Pain | Pregnancy Care Neck Pain | Stress Relief TMJ | Scoliosis | Sciatica | Headaches Male & Female Chiropractors Most insurances are gladly accepted as full or partial payment, including Cigna, Oxford, BC/BS, United Healthcare, &Aetna, major medical, auto accidents, and we do all the paperwork. We also have other payment options available to make your chiropractic care as affordable as possible. Contact our office to set up your appointment for a consultation. DR. MELINDA KELLER, Brooklyn Spine Center 5911 - 16th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204 718-234-6206 | Are you suffering and feel there is nothing else you can do? Were you advised to have Spine Surgery or Pain Injections? SPINAL DECOMPRESSION COULD BE THE ANSWER to treat sciatica, herniated disc, bulging disc, degenerative disc, pinched nerves. It is a non-invasive procedure to effectively help treat the most common causes of your lower back pain and leg pain. 1 . 8 7 7 . 5 . S E L L . M I L E S WWW. CA SHYOURM I L E S . COM got miles? Visit our convenient Flatbush location 1323 Ocean Pkwy Btwn M and N Hours: Sun-Thurs 11-4 Or by appointment Call for a location near you Shop Online C o m e c h e c k o u t o u r n e w l in e o f M . R . S p e n c i l s k i r t s ! Fully stocked for Cruise 2014! KISLEV 5774 DECEMBER 2013 99
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