Community Magazine December 2013
KISLEV 5774 DECEMBER 2013 71 been undergoing conventional medical care for persistent aches might try using CAM in addition to current treatments to deal with the symptoms or with the side effects of conventional treatments. Some CAM therapies are supported by scientific evidence, but regarding many others, there are questions that still need to be addressed through scientific studies. This does not mean these therapies are ineffective, but rather that scientists have not studied them enough to conclusively determine whether they work. When it comes to some procedures, such as acupuncture, scientific evidence has shown the effectiveness of the technique, but scientists still do not have a clear understanding of why it works. Limitations Although CAM does have some proven benefits, like anything, it has its limitations. For some health problems, alternative healing approaches on their own may not be enough to help a person get well. Even something as seemingly minor as an infection may need treatment with traditional medications, like antibiotics. That’s why it’s always best to see your doctor if you have a health problem and talk openly about any CAM techniques you might want to try. Another reason you should be up-front with your doctor about CAM techniques is because, in some cases, CAMpractices can actually interfere with traditional medical treatments. For example, certain herbal supplements can interfere with some prescription drugs, such as diabetes treatments. As with modern medicine, CAM treatments that are effective for one problem will not help with all problems. So if you want to try an alternative practice for a certain medical issue, make sure the practice you wish to undergo is suited for the particular problem you need to address. Before You Try It Traditional medical doctors are not only trained, they’re licensed. But that’s not always the case with CAM practitioners. Some states have licensing requirements for certain specialists, like acupuncturists and massage therapists, and many are expanding their requirements for licensing as CAM practices grow in popularity. As with conventional medicine, be sure to undergo alternative treatments only with a licensed professional. Additionally, while practices like meditation and breathing can’t do any harm, other CAM techniques may have adverse consequences for people with certain health conditions. Even the more mainstream practices like yoga can hurt someone with a health condition - like a back problem – if they are not done properly. So check with your doctor before trying any CAM techniques. Your doctor will try to guide you on which practices you can safely try while continuing with your current method of treatment. This article was reviewed by M.L. Gavin, MD of The Nemours Foundation.
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