Community Magazine December 2013
2 V O L . G I F T - P A K N O W A V A I L A B L E ! EXPLORING THE WET & WILD UNDERWATER WORLD Distributed in Israel by Shanky’s 02-538-6936 Deep down under the sea there exists an entire universe of life, and in this book we are taking you on an underwater expedition to learn all about it! 1 . 8 8 8 . 5 3 6 . 7 4 2 7 • W W W . I S R A E L B O O K S H O P P U B L I C A T I O N S . C O M the in jewish publishing the in jewish publishing nextPAGE YOU JUDGE ! YOU BE THE JUDGE and send your response to Verdicts – and the accompanying rationale – will be reviewed by the Rosh Bet Din. The first three correct submissions received before the deadline will win a $50 gift certificate to a Community Magazine advertiser! Correct entries will receive honorable mention in the next issue when the Rosh Bet Din’s verdict is printed. ON WHEELS Freddie owns a chain of retail stores within walking distance of each other. Every morning, Freddie instructs his workers to load the merchandise he needs transported between stores onto a platform hand truck. One morning, while the loaded hand truck was stationed in front of the store, one of the customers exiting the store accidentally pushed it, sending it rolling down the sloping sidewalk. The hand truck hit Avi’s car, breaking the back headlights. Avi, who was standing in the vicinity, began to holler at the customer, and after he received her identification, he proceeded to demand that Freddie, the store owner, compensate him for the damage. Avi claimed that Freddie was responsible for the damage to his car, since his hand truck was freely parked in a public domain. Freddie refused to pay, explaining that he parked that hand truck a thousand times in front of the store and never had a problem. He insisted that the lady who pushed the hand truck was the cause of the damage and was thus responsible to pay. The three appeared in Bet Din to resolve the matter. WHO IS LIABLE TO PAY FOR THE DAMAGE TO AVI’S CAR – FREDDIE OR THE CUSTOMER, OR NEITHER? BE THE TEVET 5774 DECEMBER 2013 51
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