Community Magazine May 2013

are rooting for them. The principals are available to speak to the girls, and to provide encouragement and advice. The administration has a very good relationship with both students and parents.” Education and Midot The faculty at Bet Yaakov of the Jersey shore has built a curriculum that ensures the girls’ success not only academically, but socially and emotionally, as well. “We pride ourselves on the fact that there is a small teacher-to- student ratio, in addition to an excellent academic program paired with a strong extracurricular program,” Mrs. Frankel explains. “Bet Yaakov is a place where every student is successful, where academics are emphasized and midot are paramount. The Midot Hashana program, where one midah (character trait) is focused on each year, is an exciting program which stresses the importance of good midot , and where the girls engage in different activities on a regular basis to practice good midot .” The Limudei Kodesh (Judaic Studies) curriculum aims at developing proficiency in Tanach and other Torah subjects, and instilling a love and appreciation for the beauty of Torah which the girls will then transmit to the next generation. The General Education curriculum includes especially designed literacy and math programs which challenge the students and motivate them to achieve. “The girls leave school prepared for higher education, and many of our alumni return as teachers,” says Mrs. Smith. “The girls have a lot of general knowledge, and they are encouraged to utilize all of their strengths.” She tells of the excellent school-wide writing program, where girls are taught the intricacies of writing and apply their newly acquired skills by writing a research paper. BYJS also runs a highly successful reading program, encouraging the students to read and enhancing reading comprehension skills. The excellent education that the students receive throughout elementary school continues into the high school years. Dr. Judith Shoner, General Studies principal, emphasizes the importance of allowing students to utilize their strengths, as this will lead them on the pathway to success. “My philosophy is that success breeds success, and that we must address the individual learning styles of each student,” Dr. Shoner says. “When we assess a student, we have to allow her to use whatever talent she has to express herself.” Mrs. Chani Gordon, Hebrew principal of Bet Yaakov High School, explains that the high school years are a crucial stage in a young woman’s preparation for adulthood. “Every year at orientation, I tell the girls the same thing and it bears repeating – elementary school prepares you for high school and high school prepares you for life. Our academic program keeps an eye on what will benefit our students to become neshei hayil – women of valor who will build homes based on Torah values and kedusha (holiness). High school comprises the training years; it is the time to fortify the girls so they will be successful in the future.” BYJS graduates leave high school with a well-rounded education and with the confidence to use their Gd-given talents to build warm Jewish homes alongside fulfilling, meaningful careers. Essentially, the graduates leave with the skills and desire to work toward making the world a brighter, better place. Most importantly, the Bet Yaakov graduate is a true Bat Yisrael who understands the significance of good midot and tzeniut (modesty), and who is prepared to incorporate all that she has learned far beyond the classroom walls, wherever life takes her. An Invitation to the Community On May 27, 2013, the Monday of Memorial Day weekend, Bet Yaakov of the Jersey Shore will be hosting a special Hanukat Habayit celebration for all members of the community. As school will be in session, friends of BYJS, along with donors and prospective donors, will be given the opportunity to witness firsthand the school’s success and experience its exciting atmosphere and aura. Donors will be given a guided tour of the building and classrooms, as well as the dedication plaques, while potential donors will have a chance to learn about available dedications. Several prominent community rabbis and donors will affix mezuzot on the front doors and cut a ribbon to celebrate the new building. Following the ribbon-cutting, the girls will put on a presentation, and a video about the school will be shown. “This will be a special day,” says Rabbi Choueka. “This is an opportunity for community members to see and appreciate how the building, and how Bet Yaakov of the Jersey Shore, will keep the community strong and whole.” All community members are invited to participate in this joyous occasion, and to bask in the wonderful atmosphere that is Bet Yaakov of the Jersey Shore. The rabbis and administrators of BYJS look forward to greeting all community members seeking to learn more about the school, and to celebrate this important milestone with them. For more information about the Hanukat Habayit or about Bet Yaakov of the Jersey Shore, please contact the school at 732-728-1400. 44 Community Magazine