Community Magazine May 2013

Rabbis Call on the Community to Support Mayoral Candidate Erick Salgado Eight Orthodox rabbis, including HaRav Avrohom Yaakov Nelkenbaum, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, and Rabbi Haim Benoliel, Rosh Yeshiva of Mikdash Melech and Rav B’nai Yosef, have issued a statement declaring that supporting Erick Salgado, a conservative candidate running in the Democratic Primary for New York City mayor, is a “ mitzvah chiyuvit – religious obligation.” The rabbis cited the ongoing attacks on morality and religious freedom in expressing their support for Salgado, a strong advocate of traditional family values, who they believe is the only candidate committed to fighting for morality and religious freedom for the Jewish community. In a written statement, read at Salgado’s campaign kickoff on the steps of City Hall, the rabbis stated that the religious obligation “includes volunteering and donating as you would to any other charity organization. It further obligates any Jew who is not registered to vote to do so in order to vote for Mr. Salgado in the Democratic Primary. Through this may we merit the ultimate redemption.” Other signatories of the declaration are: Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Haim, Av Beis Din, Rav Kehillah Yotzei Mashad, and Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University; Rabbi Yisrael Neuman, Rosh Yeshiva, Beis Medresh Gevoah of Lakewood; Rabbi Moshe Green, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva D’monsey; Rabbi Shlomo Tzvi Stern, Debreziner Rav, Khal Yesodai Hatorah; Rabbi Amram Klein, Ungar Rav; and Rabbi (Samuel) Shmuel Dovid Krausz, Udvari Rav. In an unprecedented move intended to underscore the importance of fully supporting Salgado, Rav Nelkenbaum and Rav Benoliel made personal donations to the candidate’s campaign. For information about either donating or volunteering, visit Erick Salgado’s website,, or call (212) 239-7199. Achieving Success Through Kollel Rashbi The holy hacham of Aleppo, Rabbi Avraham Antebi, described in his work Korban Aisha the beauty of a community where people study Torah late at night, after hatzot (midnight), and the numerous blessings this brings. He himself, as he recalls, woke up every night before midnight in order to get everyone in his community to come to the synagogue and learn. They formed groups consisting of about 10 men each, as it is said that Hashem dwells among 10 men who are learning. This program ran with the financial support of the community, which received great merit for helping to support the learning of great scholars. Throughout this period when the nightly study session was held, the community enjoyed happiness, prosperity and peace. Nobody suffered any harm, nobody died young, and this generation was renowned for producing towering spiritual giants. Our hachamim emphasize in particular the benefits of nighttime learning for ba’ale teshuva , those who are in the process of repenting for past misdeeds. The famous Kabbalistic work Reshit Hochmah writes that the process of repentance requires arising at night to confess and cry over one’s sins, and then involve oneself with learning Torah. This practice of Torah and prayer during the late night hours, during this time of purity of mind and soul, when the rest of world sleeps, was revealed by the great sages Rashbi (Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai) and the Ari Hakadosh. In fact, the term hatzot is one of the most commonly mentioned words in the sacred Zohar text, written by Rashbi. The first “ hatzot yeshiva,” where Torah scholars study from midnight to dawn to open the gates of heaven and bring G-d’s blessings upon the Jewish people, was established by the renowned Kabbalist Rav Yaakov Shaul Hacohen Dweck. And today, baruch Hashem , we are fortunate to have a group of outstanding scholars following this hallowed tradition in Lakewood, in Kollel Rashbi, which was begun three years ago under the leadership of Rav Shlomo Pollack. Each of its 22 students has completed the study of the entire Talmud at least once, and most deliver classes in Lakewood’s Beth Midrash Gavoha. In all, approximately 50 people come to learn and pray in Kollel Rashbi and bask in the aura of scholarship and holiness that permeates the room. Supporters of this sacred endeavor accrue great merit and access the special spiritual benefits of this holy work. For more information about Kollel Rashbi in Lakewood, or to become a partner with the kollel, please call 917-282-3333. Every donor will have the hachamim pray on his or her behalf for any yeshuah (personal salvation) that is needed. Community Chest Become a Partne Kollel V Limud Hatorah by T during the post midni Call: 917-2 KOLLEL Vatikin VeRashbi Limud Hatorah by Talmidei Chachamim during the post midnight and predawn hours    In the Sidrei HaKollel besides the learning of Bavli and 4 Chelkei Shul an Aruch …… There is an emphasis of learning Talmud Yer have a shleimut in the l rning of Kol Chelk To arrange l`iluy neshama, during shivah, shl yahrtzeit - the learning of Mishnayot, Bavli, etc… between chatzot and netz when the in Gan Eden listen to the Kol Torah and tefil world (Reishit Chochma, Shar Hakedusha) As in appreciation to the Kollel’s supp rters the following: Hazkarot Shem by K tor t with a minyan b Hashachar (as mentioned by Kadmonim) Hatorot Klalot Hadlakat Ner Tamid at Kivrei Tzadikim / Me Hakedoshim or at the kever of your ancesto throughout Eretz Yisrael, through a shliach Hazkarot Shem by Kosel Hamaravi 40 days, shliach of the Kollel a gaon vetzadik shlit”a 100 Community magazine