Community Magazine April 2013

& Jamileh Ma a Co e . . 7 IF ONE WISHES TO EAT BOTH GRAPES AND APPLES, UPON WHICH FRUIT SHOULD HE RECITE THE BERACHAH OF “ HA’ETS ”? One recites the berachah over the grapes, because, as the Shulhan Aruch ( Orah Haim 211:1) says, the fruits of the seven special species of Eretz Yisrael take precedence over other fruits. The Rambam rules that if one prefers the apple he should recite the berachah on the apple, but halachah follows the ruling of the Shulhan Aruch . 8 IF A PERSON IS ASKED TO BE THE 10 TH MAN TO COMPLETE A MINYAN FOR MINHAH , BUT BY PARTICIPATING HE WILL BE LATE FOR A SCHEDULED MEETING, WHAT SHOULD HE DO? It is told that the Hazon Ish once found himself in this situation and said that as one has the responsibility to keep his word, one should not participate in a minyan if this would make him late for his meeting. However, if he is able to delay the meeting for a later time, he should do so in order to fulfill the mitzvah of completing a minyan . 9 IF A MARRIED WOMAN’S PARENTS COME FOR A SHABBAT MEAL AND SHE IS SERVING THE FOOD, WHO DOES SHE SERVE FIRST – HER HUSBAND OR HER PARENTS? A married woman’s primary obligation is to her husband, and therefore, she should serve her husband first unless he defers to his in-laws. In general, when a conflict arises between her parents’ and her husband’s interests, a rabbi should be consulted for guidance. 10 IF 10 MINUTES BEFORE SUNSET ON ROSH HODESH ONE REALIZES THAT HE HADN’T RECITED MUSAF OR MINHAH , WHICH PRAYER SHOULD HE RECITE? Since one cannot make up a missed Musaf prayer ( Shulhan Aruch Orah Haim 108;6), Musaf takes precedence over Minhah . One should therefore pray Musaf , and should ensure to recite Minhah within 13.5 minutes of sundown. If this is not possible, then he should recite an extra Amidah at Arbit to make up the missed Minhah prayer. Sizes 0-26 Hours: Sun-Thurs: 10:30am-6pm Friday by appointment 718-645-PINK (7465) 446 Avenue P, Brooklyn Engagement, Wedding, Sheva Brachos, Shabbos, Weekday SPriNg 2013 www. s gindi design studio .com NISSAN - EYAR 5773 APRIL 2013 57