Community Magazine April 2013

NISSAN - EYAR 5773 APRIL 2013 45 R. Tzion Zafrani with YMA Students Rav Elbaz giving Diveri Chizuk to our students The boys enrolled in prestigious yeshivot – Mikdash Melech, Lev Aharon, and Yesod HaTorah – and in all three they distinguished themselves in their middot tovot and diligence to their studies. So much so, that they made quite an impression on some of the leading sages of Eretz Yisrael. During his visit this past winter, the menahel took the students to visit illustrious figures such as Rav Yaakov Hillel, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, Rav Aharon Leib Steinman and Rav Nissim Karelitz, and the rabbis praised the boys for their dazzling achievements and fine character, encouraging them to continue their process of growth in Torah, mitzvot and middot tovot. Currently in its fifth year of operation, Yeshivat Magen Abraham offers a rigorous dual curriculum, focusing on building character and maturity, engendering a sincere love for Torah combined with a sense of responsibility to family and community, and laying a strong foundation for professional success. Through close relationships between faculty and students and a wide array of special programs, Magen Abraham produces mature, refined, well-rounded young men prepared for a life of Torah, family, professional success, and community leadership. For more information about Yeshivat Magen Abraham, please contact Rabbi Churba at 718-627-6200 or . Rav Nissim Karelitz giving diveri beracha to Isaac Marachli Rav Yaakov Hillel giving diveri beracha Rishon Letzion Rav Bakshi Daron Halfon Naftali gettting Beracha from Rav Y Chaim Kanievski