Community Magazine April 2013

The Answer to a Prayer for Faith My own personal experience, though not quite as dramatic, had no less an impact upon me as the previous story had on my cousin. On a magnificent autumn day in 2009, I took my children to Nyack to visitmybrother. Iwaswalking through the Hudson mountainside alone, and my thoughts drifted. I found myself thanking Hashem. I always take the time while reciting the Amidah prayer to make some personal requests, and in my experience, my prayers are, eventually, answered. And on that serene autumn afternoon, I was thanking Gd for listening. I then thought about something my rabbi had told me, and I was thinking of how it seemed arcane, that it wasn’t for me. Just then, I tripped and hit the ground hard. I tell the rest of the story with considerable hesitation, realizing that some readers might think I am crazy, and others will consider me arrogant. But since I also believe that many readers will become inspired by the events, I feel it’s a risk worth taking. Simply put, I was overcome by Hashem’s presence. There was nothing supernatural about it, but it was a real emotional experience, whereby Hashem showed a glimmer of His essence. It was coming from the sun. I could not look in that direction. I lifted my hands to shield my head. Sobbing like an infant, I sat there being overwhelmed by a feeling as real as the ten fingers on my hands. It lasted a couple of minutes. Thoroughly exhausted, strangely, I asked myself if perhaps Hashem had given me a pillow to rest on. I turned and gathered the leaves under my head. I was not dreaming. I did not bump my head. Hashem had simply answered yet another prayer. I had been praying for more faith. And this is a prayer Hashem always answers. I was given the ultimate gift. I had always been an observant Jew, but this validating experience embedded faith deep into my heart. It reinforced an understanding that regardless of the ease or difficulty in life, we are all on our own, personal journey, a course charted specifically for each individual, that will ultimately lead us to bask in that wonderful light that my cousin experienced. We need simply to follow the road with dignity, appreciation, fortitude, and the confidence that Hashem is holding our hand. What an incredible tool we would have if more of these events could be chronicled! These real-life stories can help to take the Torah education we receive in our schools, synagogues and homes to an entirely new level, and bring us all to far greater heights of emunah . If you have an experience to share, please send an email to with your contact information, and we will arrange a time to speak, so together we can bring your story to the world and inspire our generation. Think of how that experience has shaped your life, and then think of how much it can help to shape others. NISSAN - EYAR 5773 APRIL 2013 43