Community Magazine April 2013

Ventilation ∏∏ FineHomepedia There's something about the air in the spring. Something about it that invigorates, that refreshes, that wakes up our dulled senses, the result of spending all winter enclosed in our homes. But it doesn't have to be this way. And we don't mean to leave a window open just a bit “for some air". As you plan your next project, let us show you how you can benefit from a properly designed ventilation system. Whether through the dry winter months or the humid days of the summer, your new home can maintain an environment that is just right. Content provided by Westmount Fine Homes. . . . WESTMOUNT ne homes H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E H O M E S . E V E R Y S T E P O F T H E W A Y . A V I E L B A Z 732.963.4112 . WestmountFine . New Home s . Re n o va t i o n s . S e r v i n g t h e Je r s e y S h o r e il i FineHomepedia There's something about the air in the spring. Something about it that invigorates, that refreshes, that wakes up our dulled senses, the result of spending all winter enclosed in our homes. But it doesn't have to be this way. And we don't mean to leave a window open just a bit “for some air". As you plan your next project, let us show you how you can benefit from a properly designed ventilation system. Whether through the dry winter months or the humid days of the summer, your new home can maintain an environment that is just right. Content provided by Westmount Fine Homes. . . . EST OUNT ne homes H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E H O M E S . E V E R Y S T E P O F T H E W A Y . A V I E L B A Z 732.963.4112 . . New Home s . Re n o va t i o n s . S e r v i n g t h e Je r s e y S h o r e