Community Magazine December 2012

1 MAY ONE HANDLE SNOW ON SHABBAT? Hacham Avraham Haim Ades ( HaShabbat Betifartah , p. 218) rules that snow is not considered muktzeh and be handled on Shabbat, based on the ruling of the Mishnah Berurah (335:30) that one may use or drink rainwater or dew on Shabbat. Other authorities, however, including Rav Chaim Kanievsky, rule that snow is considered muktzeh and may not be handled on Shabbat. 2 IT IS PERMISSIBLE TO MAKE A SNOWBALL OR SNOWMAN ON SHABBAT? Rabbi Yehoshua Neubert (contemporary), in Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchatah (16:45), forbids forming any kind of structure with snow, as it resembles boneh (building, which is one of the Shabbat prohibitions). Rabbi Ades (ibid, p. 219), citing Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Aurbach and Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, rules that it is permissible to play with snow on Shabbat, but forbidden to form snowballs or a snowman. 3 MAY ONE WALK ON SNOW, EVEN THOUGH THIS CAUSES IT TO MELT? Rabbi Ades (ibid, p. 224), based on the Shulhan Aruch ( Orah Haim 220:13), allows walking on snow on Shabbat. The Mishnah Berurah (220:39) gives two reasons for this ruling: 1) One has no intention to melt snow as he walks, and derives no benefit from this occurrence; 2) It is virtually impossible to avoid stepping on snow when it covers the ground, and thus the sages did not enact a prohibition against stepping on snow. However, when one has an option of walking on clear ground or on snow, he should avoid walking on the snow, and one should certainly not walk on snow with the intention of melting it. 4 IN A PLACE WITH AN ERUV , MAY ONE SHOVEL SNOW ON SHABBAT TO MAKE A PATH? If one needs to leave the home and the presence of snow on the walkway poses danger, he may shovel the snow. 5 MAY ONE REMOVE SNOW FROM A CAR ON SHABBAT? It is forbidden to remove snow from a car on Shabbat in preparation for driving after Shabbat, as one may not prepare on Shabbat for after Shabbat. Children may remove snow from cars in order to play with it. 6 WHAT IS THE PROPER WAY TO REMOVE SNOW FROM A HAT OR COAT ON SHABBAT? To remove snow from a hat or coat on Shabbat, one should shake it gently – not vigorously – to avoid the problem of sechita (absorbtion). A plastic raincoat, however, which does not absorb moisture, may be shaken even vigorously ( Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchatah 15:36). 7 IS IT PERMISSIBLE ON SHABBAT FOR A CHILD TO PUT SNOW IN A CUP AND CRUSH IT FOR FUN? One may not crush snow in a cup in order to produce water ( Shulhan Aruch – Orah Haim 220:9; Rabbi Ades, ibid, pg 229). However, one may place snow into a cup of water, even though it will cause it to melt. If one places snow in an empty cup and it melts, the status of the water is subject to a dispute among the halachic authorities. The Shulhan Aruch allows drinking the water, whereas the Rama maintains that it is forbidden. 8 MAY ONE USE AN OPEN UMBRELLA ON SHABBAT FOR PROTECTION FROM RAIN OR SNOW? One may not open an umbrella on Shabbat because of the prohibition of ohel (erecting a tent). An umbrella that had been opened before Shabbat also may not be used – even in an area with a proper eruv – because of marit ayin (appearances to the eyes of others). 9 MAY ONE POUR SAND OR ROCK SALT ON SHABBAT TO MELT SNOW OR ICE? In situations where snow and ice buildup poses a danger to pedestrians on Shabbat, it is permissible to pour sand, or even rock salt – provided that there is also a proper eruv . For areas that are outside of the eruv and which could pose a danger to those walking in the area, it is recommended to ask a gentile to pour the sand or rock salt. 10 IS IT PERMISSIBLE TO MOVE A BRANCH THAT IS SAGGING UNDER THE WEIGHT OF SNOW AND BLOCKING THE PATH TO ONE’S HOUSE ON SHABBAT? It is forbidden to move a branch of a tree on Shabbat, even in an unusual manner, such as with one’s body ( Shulhan Aruch – Orah Haim 336:13; HaShabbat Betifartah , p. 336). In situations of need, one may ask a gentile to move the branch that is blocking a pathway. The Top 10 Questions & Answers on Customs and Laws oF D dicated oving emo y Hac a N i Ma a . & Jamileh Ma a Co e . . Snow on Shabbat RABBI DANIEL D. LEVY 62 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE