Community Magazine December 2012

Long neglected as an inevitable, yet useless, daily function, sleep is increasingly being recognized as a pillar of illness prevention and maintenance of good health, whereas insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic conditions and diseases. Sleep needs depend on various factors, but are primarily based on age. How Much Sleep is Enough? JACK SADACKA, M.D. Newborns – 3 months Don’t get your slumber hopes up with a new baby in the house, because newborns do not have a set sleeping pattern. At this age, babies have yet to develop a circadian rhythm establishing a 24-hour daily pattern related to daylight and nighttime cycles, and they are thus incapable of settling into a steady sleep routine. Typically, newborns will sleep approximately 15-18 hours a day in short 2-4 hour intervals. Many experts agree that at this age, feeding and sleep patterns should be based on the baby’s demand. During the first two months, newborns may need to be fed every 2 hours, though bottle-fed babies may require less frequent feeding. By six weeks, your baby is settling into a regular sleep routine. Day/night confusion usually ends somewhere between four and twelve weeks. At this age, the infant’s motor and cognitive development is likely to result in frequent nighttime waking. Sleeping through the night is a developmental milestone (like walking or toilet training) that your baby will reach when he or she is ready. Trying to force baby to reach this before her time may result in other problems later on. 4-6 months Babies wake at night for many reasons, and they often start waking at night after sleeping through for a few months. Some of the reasons for night waking (in no particular order) are:  Baby wants more time with mom  Teething  Developmental advances (for example: waking more often right before or after learning to turn over, crawl or talk)  Illness, allergy, diaper rash, eczema  Hunger (including growth spurts)  Reverse cycling: Some babies whose moms are away during the day prefer to reject most/all supplements while mom is away, and nurse often during the evening and night. If Mom is very busy during the day, or if the baby is very distracted, this can also lead to reverse cycling. When your child nurses more often at night, go through this checklist to see if you can figure out the source of the disturbance. Sometimes there may be more than one factor causing the night waking. When separation anxiety sets in, your baby will associate sleep time with being left alone, making bedtime a challenge. My advice for parents is to give reassurance by patting and soothing your baby when necessary, but avoid taking your baby out of bed. Repeat as needed, and sleep disturbance will soon pass. Kids’ Sleep Problems Sleep disorders are common in infants and children. In fact, it is estimated that 69 percent of children under the age of 10 experience some form of sleep problem. The following is a brief overview of the most common childhood sleep problems. Narcolepsy: A chronic sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness and fatigue attacks at inappropriate times. Bed wetting: Involuntary urination at any time of the day or night. This is a common occurrence in many households and often a normal part of a child’s development. Sleepwalking: Walking or performing other activities while asleep. Restless leg syndrome: A “creeping” sensation associated with aches and pains throughout the legs that make it difficult to sleep. 36 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE