Community Magazine October 2012

1 HOW DOES ONE SHOW RESPECT FOR A SEFER TORAH? A Sefer Torah is probably the most sacred tangible object we have in the Jewish religion today, and must be treated with respect. Therefore, one should stand up when the Aron Hakodesh (ark) is opened and the Sefer Torah is taken out, and when the Sefer Torah is passing by. According to some opinions, one must stand even for a Sefer Torah that is pasul (invalid). It is also appropriate to kiss the Sefer Torah, and this practice serves to atone for sins committed with the mouth. It is strictly forbidden to talk while the Torah is being read. Torah scholars are living Sifre Torah, and thus they, too, must be accorded honor and respect. 2 HOW IS AN ALIYAH (INVITATION TO RISE) TO THE TORAH CARRIED OUT? The Ben Ish Hai ( Shanah Sheniyah – Toledot , 18-19) writes that one who is called for an aliyah should take the shortest possible route when going to the Sefer Torah, and then afterward return to his seat via the long route, walking around the teba (podium) , as an expression of his fervor to go to the Torah and his reluctance to take leave of the Torah. When one comes to the Sefer Torah for the aliyah , the ba’al koreh (person who reads the Torah) shows him the place inside the Sefer. One then holds the klaf (parchment) with the kerchief of the Torah, or his tallit, and recites the blessing of “ asher bahar banu .” After he completes the blessing, the baal koreh begins reading. At the conclusion of the reading, he is shown the place where the reading ended and then recites the blessing of “ asher natan lanu Torato… ” The Sefer Torah is then closed. 3 WHAT HALACHOT APPLY TO A GROUP TRAVELING WITH A SEFER TORAH? A Sefer Torah must be treated with great care and respect during travel. It should be wrapped in a double covering to guarantee that it is securely protected. Somebody should hold the Sefer Torah throughout the journey, and when it is necessary to place it down, it should be placed at least 10 tefahim (about three feet) off the ground. It may not be stored in a bedroom of a married couple. Given the complexity of these laws, a competent halachic authority should be consulted before the trip. 4 WHAT PRACTICES MUST BE OBSERVED IF A SEFER TORAH IS DROPPED, HEAVEN FORBID? If a Sefer Torah is dropped, it should be taken as a sign from Hashem calling upon the congregation – and especially the person who dropped the Torah – to repent. Therefore, everyone who saw this tragic occurrence must fast for one day, from morning until nightfall. 5 WHY DO SEPHARADIM CUSTOMARILY ADORN THEIR TORAH SCROLLS WITH RIMONIM (ORNAMENTAL METAL “POMEGRANATES”)? During the times of the Bet Hamikdash , the kohen gadol wore bells along the bottom of his tunic to announce that he was coming so that people would prepare to give him the proper respect. It is therefore customary to affix metal pomegranates to a Sefer Torah that announce its arrival whenever it is carried, so people will know to rise and show respect. 6 WHY DO WE READ THE TORAH ON MONDAY AND THURSDAY? Ezra Hasofer (leader of the Jewish communities at the beginning of the Second Commonwealth) enacted that the Torah should be read each Monday and Thursday so that three days do not go by without public Torah reading. Just as one cannot survive three days without food and drink, one cannot survive three days without the spiritual sustenance provided by Torah. It should be noted that in addition to the Torah readings, one is obligated to study Torah each day and night, as it says, “Vehagita bo yomam valayla – You shall toil in it [Torah learning] day and night.” 7 WHEN TWO SIFRE TORAH ARE READ, SUCH AS ON SHABBAT ROSH HODESH, WHICH SEFER IS READ FIRST? The halachic principle of “ tadir vesheino tadir, tadir kodem ” establishes that when we have two missvot to perform, we first perform the missva that applies more frequently. Therefore, we first read the weekly parasha , and then the special reading for Rosh Hodesh, Hannukah, etc. RABBI DANIEL D. LEVY The Top 10 Questions & Answers on Customs and Laws oF D dicated oving emo y Hac a N i Respecting a Sefer Torah 62 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE