Community Magazine October 2012

EXTENDED TROUBLE Eli recently purchased a second floor apartment in a two- family home at a reasonable price. He proceeded with the necessary renovations, which included extending the back of the home onto the roof of his downstairs neighbor, Abe. As the top floor construction neared completion, Abe sent a bill to Eli for $250,000, half the cost of the downstairs extension he had built some five years earlier. Eli thought Abe was playing a practical joke, and casually commented to him in jest that he would be making payment first thing in the morning. Abe, however, was quite serious, and summonsed Eli to Bet Din to resolve the matter. In Bet Din, Abe explained, that if not for the downstairs edifice that he had built, Eli would not have been able to build a second floor. He therefore argued that it is only proper for Eli to compensate him for half his costs. Eli responded that he had only recently purchased the second floor home and was not involved in any building that transpired five years ago. Eli added that Abe had built the downstairs extension for his own personal benefit, and has no right to capitalize on his upstairs neighbor. HOW SHOULD THE BET DIN RULE, IN FAVOR OF ELI OR ABE? JUDGE ! BE THE YOU BE THE JUDGE and send your response to YouJudge@Community M .com Verdicts – and the accompanying rationale – will be reviewed by the Rosh Bet Din. The first three correct submissions received before the deadline will win a $50 gift certificate to a Community Magazine advertiser! Correct entries will receive honorable mention in the next issue when the Rosh Bet Din’s verdict is printed. CALL ABE J. SAFDIEH 718-436-1031 FOR FREE DELIVERY LIQUORS & WINES AT YOUR DOOR! We Deliver to Flatbush, Midwood, Bensonhurst, Boro Park, Kensington, Manhattan Beach, Deal, New Jersey... To Your Home, To Shul, or To The Hall 4812 13th Ave. (bet. 48 th & 49 th st.) Fax: 718-436-3098 Email: * Engagements * Weddings * Bar Mitzvahs * Sebbits * Shabbat & Holidays Semachot! CHECK ONE THING OFF YOUR LIST! We carry a full line of liquor for all your TISHREI 5773 OCTOBER 2012 61