Community Magazine August 2012

. & Jamileh tMa a Co€e .. The halachot and customs listed here are not presented in any particular order. These summaries represent a very brief overview of the subject matter to promote general awareness and encourage further study. As always, readers should consult their rabbi with specific queries. 9 IF ONE GETS CAUGHT IN HEAVY RAIN ON SHABBAT AND HIS CLOTHES ARE SOAKED, WHAT IS THE PROPER WAY TO DRY OFF THE CLOTHING? When handling wet clothes on Shabbat, one should ensure not to squeeze the clothing or vigorously shake off excess water, so as not to violate the prohibition of sehita . However, it is permissible to hang wet garments to dry on Shabbat. 10 MAY ONE WALK OR RUN IN A GRASSY AREA ON SHABBAT? It is permissible to walk on wet or dry grass on Shabbat, even though some blades of grass will be uprooted in the process, since the person has no intention for this to happen ( Shulhan Aruch , Orah Haim 336:3). However, the Mishna Berura mentions that one should not walk rapidly barefoot in an area with tall grass, as this would inevitably cause some blades to be uprooted. One may walk on tall grass slowly, or quickly with shoes, as it is not definite that grass would thereby be uprooted (Rabbi Avraham Haim Ades, Shabbat Betif’artah , vol.1, p.123). It is perfectly permissible to sit or lie on grass on Shabbat, or to spread a blanket on a lawn to sit on. Means Back To.... BROOKLYN BACK TO...... REALITY NOT READY?? IT’S ALL A GIFT...CAN TAKE YOU AWAY ALL NEW ACCESSORIES,JEWELRY,GIFTS, SHELLS & SKIRTS HAVE ARRIVED 718-252-4438 OPEN SUN-THURS 9-7 FRI TIL 5 409 Avenue M ~ Next To Moisha’s FOLLOW US! “ itsallagift “ FOR DAILY ADS & NEW ARRIVALS! The Sweet Sunset of Summer.... AV 5772 AUGUST 2012 65