Community Magazine August 2012

To volunteer for the mitzvah man go to www.mitzvah or call 347-275-1490 The Wonderland Supper A large family was going through a very difficult and traumatic experience. One of the childrenwas sick with cancer and had just undergone a transplant. The mother, who was busy caring for her daughter’s needs, was overwhelmed and not able to get out of the house to shop for food or prepare hot meals. Amidst this difficult situation enters Natalie, a Mitzvah Man hero, who delivered lavish meals, including what the family described as a “wonderland supper.” In the face of the stressful challenges of the day, the delicious meals nourished more than their bodies – they were a ray of bright, golden sunshine and a glowing symbol of hesed and hope. Yenti Frost, President of the Hands on For Children Cancer Organization, described the family’s reaction: “They were moved to tears! Now that only happens when a hesed is done with heart. Only Hashem can repay the Mitzvah Man volunteers for all their kindness and love for mankind. Thank you! And may you only be on the giving end of hesed.” Relief in a Blaze Two days before Sukkot, amanwas renovating his basement, together with another worker, when suddenly, a flammable solvent ignited and the entire area went up in flames. The man was rushed to the hospital for his injuries while the fire marshal evacuated and taped off the house. For an entire month, the children would have to live with their aunt in her two-bedroom apartment. Needless to say, they had absolutely nothing with them for the holiday ahead. It took Mitzvah Man just a few hours to learn about the situation, and in a flash, he sent basic necessities such as mattresses, blankets, pillows, clothing, and toys. Mitzvah Man heroes also came by that day to bring hot meals to the aunt’s home. The next day, the heroes took the children on a shopping spree. The young ones returned home with shoes and clothing for the holiday and a warm feeling from the attention and care they received. Even while caring for the children, MitzvahMan didn’t forget about their father in the hospital. He frequently called him and his wife to make sure they had everything they needed and ensured transportation to and from the hospital. He even sent hot meals and clothing for the holiday. Seven months have passed since then, and Mitzvah Man continues to stay in close contact with the family, to find out how they are and ensuring all their needs are met. 52 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE