Community Magazine August 2012

my way toward the magnificent brick building in the center of the Monmouth University campus, I saw throngs of community rabbis, leaders and members of all ages and backgrounds eagerly flocking toward its doors. I excitedly dashed toward the entrance, sprinted up the stairs and was greeted by an usher just before I crossed the threshold into the ladies section. I was handed a beautifully prepared prayer booklet and directed towards my seat. When I sat down, I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized that I had made it just in time for the recitation of Tehillim, the holy words composed by David HaMelech millennia ago. The words I chanted were familiar, but the experience was something entirely different. I felt elevated by the realization that my prayers were rising toward the heavens along with the prayers of the great rabbis and people who sat in the room with me. Then the shofar was blown, and I felt myself tremble slightly as I considered that the High Holidays were just eight short weeks away. The melodious voices of the community hazanim sang the stirring words of Selihot, and the familiar tunes put me in a state of inspiration. As the prayer was completed, the room was filled with silence as Chief Rabbi Shaul Kassin’s voice resounded through the stadium. Then, all eyes focused on the colossal screen that began to play a video prepared especially for our community by three of the great rabbinical leaders of our generation. “The honor that the Syrian-Jewish people bestow upon the Torah and its scholars is unparalleled,” Rabbi Yona Metzger announced with a smile on his face. “Remember, we are a unit, and a people who follow one tradition. Treat your fellow Jew with respect and love him as you would love yourself. In this merit, Hashem will bless you a thousand fold.” Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Shlomo Amar spoke passionately about the need for love and unity. ▼ A chior of community hazanim lead the congregation in prayer, from left: Rabbi Hayim Arking, Shimon Verta, Albert Abuquai, Shlomo Teherani, Menahem Mustachi, Mordechai Salem, Henri Hamra, Yair Hamra, Moshe Mustachi. ▲ Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger speaks to the assembly. AV 5772 AUGUST 2012 35