Community Magazine July 2012

To volunteer for the mitzvah man go to www.mitzvah or call 347-275-1490 Facebook: Instant Hero Response January 15th, Mitzvah Man Facebook post: “We have a bride to bewhowas just diagnosedwith cancer and is engaged to be married. Her doctors said that she needs a few days of rest in a warm climate, preferably Florida. She has no money to go away. Can anyone help?” Within minutes, there was a whirlwind of activity on the Mitzvah Man Facebook page, with the following responses by Mitzvah Man followers springing up at lightning speed: Jerry: I‛ll take care of the plane fare. Joey R.: I have a connection with a hotel in Florida, I‛ll take care of the three-day stay for her and her family. J. Hazvani: Put me down for three nights of dinner at any restaurant in Florida. Sam: I‛m good for two nights in any restaurant. Morris T.: When they get back from Florida I‛ll send them to any restaurant in the city. Effie A.: I‛ll donate a camcorder that they can use in Florida. Edmond D.: I‛ll pay for three days in Disney for her and her family. Some more comments came in with people offering more help if needed. All it took was a fewminutes and some very generous hearts – and the bride was on her way to Florida! Building Belief with Bionics My whole world was coming apart. I was going through a divorce, I lost my job, and to top it all off, my daughter was losing her hearing and needed a bionic ear which my insurance no longer covered. That was when I chanced upon the Mitzvah Man Facebook page and saw a cartoon mouse “charging” as if to save someone, like a super hero I figured I had nothing to lose by reaching out to theMitzvahMan, so I sent him a message on the Facebook page describing the situation. Before I clicked “send,”, I offered a heartfelt prayer to Hashem that Mitzvah Man would answer me. That day, I prayed very hard for help, firmly believing that Gd would help me get through this. The next morning, I saw an email from the Mitzvah Man. To my astonishment and delight, it read: “Hello Mr. Shalowitz, Although we don’t do job placements anymore, please send me your resume as I may have some people who can use your job skills and I’ll forward your resume to them. As far as your daughter is concerned, send me the doctor’s information and I’ll help out with your daughter’s hearing.” My emuna (trust in Hashem) went through the roof! I said, “Hashem has answered my prayers just when I was sinking.” Mitzvah Man set up two job interviews for me and helped with my daughter who can now hear normally. I’m glad I reached out to Mitzvah Man.” Mr. Shalowitz JOB PLACEMENT 718-555-JOBS INVOICE Bill to: Ship to: Pleasepay invoicewithin90days. Bionic Ear 718- 555- 5267 CALLING... V hpi e w 76 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE