Community Magazine June 2012

. & Jamileh tMa a Co€e .. The Halachot and customs listed here are not presented in any particular order. These summaries represent a very brief overview of the subject matter to promote general awareness and encourage further study. As always, readers should consult their rabbi with specific queries. 8 IS IT PERMISSIBLE ON SHABBAT TO SQUEEZE THE LIQUID OUT OF PICKLES PRESERVED IN BRINE OR VINEGAR, OR THE WATER FROM BOILED VEGETABLES? It is permitted to squeeze the liquid from these foods if one’s intention is to improve the taste of the food, and not because he desires the liquid. If this is his intention, then he may even squeeze the liquid into an empty bowl, though the Mishna Berura writes that it is preferable not to pour it into an empty bowl, given the difference of opinion on this matter among the halachic authorities. Likewise, one may squeeze the oil from fried eggplants or other fried vegetables if his intention is to make the vegetables less oily. If, however, he desires the liquid absorbed in the vegetables, then he may squeeze them only onto food in a bowl or plate. 9 MAY ONE SQUEEZE GRAVY OR FAT FROM MEAT, CHICKEN OR FISH ON SHABBAT? One may extract unwanted natural gravy or fat from a slice of meat, fish or chicken onto a plate on Shabbat. However, regarding meat, fish or chicken that was cooked in water, wine, honey or olive oil, there is a dispute among the halachic authorities as to whether one may squeeze out the juice, even with the intention of discarding it. Most authorities allow squeezing in this case, though it is preferable to follow the stringent view ( The 39 Melachot by R’ David Ribiat, p. 342). 10 MAY ONE DIP HALLAH INTO SOUP OR TEHINA ON SHABBAT? One may dip hallah into soup on Shabbat as long as he ensures not to squeeze out the absorbed liquid back into the bowl. He may squeeze excess liquid into an empty bowl, if he does not intend to use it. One may likewise dip hallah into tehina and shake off the excess tehina. However, if the tehina is very liquidy or the hallah had been submerged in the tehina for a considerable amount of time, then the excess tehina may only be extracted into an empty bowl. Sizes 0-26 Hours: Sun-Thurs: 10:30am-6pm Friday by appointment 718-645-PINK (7465) 446 Avenue P, Brooklyn Introducing Fall Collection 2012 Sale on entire Spring/Summer merchandise... 30-60% off* *not including custom clothing www. s gindi design studio .com SIVAN 5772 JUNE 2012 55