Community Magazine May 2012

Jamileh tMa a Co€e .. The Halachot and customs listed here are not presented in any particular order. These summaries represent a very brief overview of the subject matter to promote general awareness and encourage further study. As always, readers should consult their rabbi with specific queries. 8 WHAT CAN ONE DO TO ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF HIS LEARNING AND RETAIN WHAT HE HAS LEARNED? A berit (covenant) was made assuring anyone who learns in a synagogue that he will not quickly forget the material. Someone who learns Torah with diligence and modesty will become wise. One who learns aloud, as opposed to silently, will retain his knowledge (Shulhan Aruch 246:22). Writing down what one has learned helps one understand the material more clearly. Our rabbis stressed the importance of reviewing the material one has studied, comparing one who does not review to one who plants but does not harvest the fruits of his labor. 9 WHY IS TORAH COMPARED TO WATER? The Rambam (Hilchot Talmud Torah 3;:9) explains that just as water flows downward from a high elevation and gathers together in a low place, similarly, Torah can only reside within a person who is humble and willing to sit by the feet of rabbis to acquire Torah knowledge and values. Furthermore, just as water is a basic necessity of humanity, Torah is a spiritual necessity for life. Torah quenches one’s spiritual thirst just as water quenches one’s physical thirst. 10 FROM WHAT KIND OF A PERSON SHOULD ONE STUDY TORAH? The Gemara (Moed Katan 17a) says that one should study Torah from a rabbi who can be compared to a heavenly angel. The Shulhan Aruch (Yoreh De’a 246:8) adds that one should not learn from a rabbi who does not conduct himself properly, even if he is very wise and possesses vitally-needed knowledge, until he returns to the proper path of behavior. The most important credentials for teaching Torah are yirat Shamayim (fear of Heaven) and middot tovot (good character traits). Comprehensive knowledge does not suffice, for the ultimate goal of learning is not just knowledge, but acquiring yirat shamayim and middot tovot, which are the conduits through which Torah resides within an individual. Come pick out your Shabbat flowers! 448 Avenue P 718-645-0555 Mon-Thur: 9am - 7pm Friday: 8am - 1 Hour before Shabbat Holland Lillies $3 Rose Garden שושנת השרון Large Cymbidium Orchids $18 Hydrengas white and blue 4/$10 Tulips 10/$7 IYAR 5772 MAY 2012 55