Community Magazine May 2012

- All the sites are provided by TLR (Torah Learning Resources Ltd) • Featuring over 6700 Shiurim from our Community’s greatest speakers including: •More than 1200 video shiruim included •Listen to and watch all our shiurim for Free. (Nominal fee for downloads apply) •Featuring Live Video Broadcasts (Check the site for dates and times) •Optimized for PDAs and Tablets •Includes the Hebrew text of the Pele Yoetz, in order of topic •With Rabbi Mansour’s audio explanation of each subject •With an English written explanation of each subject •Our first web site, now featuring over 2000 written practical Halachot pertaining to our everyday life, according to our Minhag. •Hear Rabbi Mansour orate the Halachot, and read each Halacha written over clearly with a quick ending summary bottom line Le’maase answer. •Hear and read a Musar lesson given by rabbi Mansour based on the weekly parasha. •Read advanced lessons as given over by Rabbi Mansour during his Shabbat morning shiur. •Signup to receive a Halacha everyday via email •Daf Yomi program with complete English explanation of every Daf given over by RabbI Eli Mansour •Search byMasechet, or by date of the current Daf cycle. •Our community’s only centralized database of Tehillim Reading notices and lists • Our community’s only system of alerting people to Levayot •Detailed summary of every Perek, in writing, and orated explanation by Rabbi Mansour •Hear every perek orated by Hacham Baruch BenHaim A”H, with proper Taamim •Detailed explanation of how to read Tehillim for the sick by typing in the person’s name And so much more.. •Lessons on the Mishna Berura orated by Rabbi Eli Mansour. •Includes written Question and Answer format to get to the bottom line •Includes the Hebrew text of Hok Israel, an English translation, and Rabbi Mansour’s explanation in English. • Also includes Rabbi Mansour’s perush Rashi on the Parasha LEARNTORAH.COM DAILYHALACHA.COM DAILYTEHILLIM.COM PELEYOETZ.COM DAILYGEMARA.COM DAILYHOK.COM MISHNABERURA.COM 1801 Ave R (at the corner of Ocean Parkway) Rabbi Eli Mansour Rabbi Meyer Yedid Rabbi Joey Haber Rabbi Shlomo Diamond Rabbi David Ozeri Rabbi Raymond Beyda Rabbi David Sutton Rabbi Chaim Dahan and many more Call our free phone system: 347-LEARNTORAH (347-532-7686) We know how busy you are. We’ve simplified it for you. All the resources you need... JUST A CLICK or PHONE CALL AWAY! Anytime..Anywhere.. Cong. Bet Yaakob with Rabbi Eli Mansour has BAKASHOT singing every Shabbat morning as per the Minhag of our ancestors at 6:30 Am for one hour with several Chazanim each week. P ELE Y OETZ .com