Community Magazine January 2012

Minha ( ) The Top 10 Questions & Answers on Customs and Laws oF 1 WHO INSTITUTED THE MINHA PRAYER? The Gemara (Berachot 26b) states thatYizhakAvinu instituted the prayer of Minha, as indicated by the pasuk , “Yizhak went out to supplicate in the field towards evening” (Beresheet 24:63). 2 WHAT IS THE PROPER TIME FOR MINHA? The earliest time of day to pray Minha is 6½ halachic hours into the day, corresponding to the earliest time at which the daily afternoon tamid offering would be brought in the Temple. The latest time of day to pray Minha is right before sunset ( shekia ), though under extenuating circumstances, there is room to allow reciting Minha until 13½ minutes after sunset. The most preferable time to pray Minha is the period between pelag haMinha (10 ¾ hours into the day) and sunset. The Arizal (Rabbi Yizhak Luria, 1534- 1572) would pray shortly before shekia so as to finish Minha with the setting of the sun, based on Rashi’s remarks in his commentary to the Gemara (Berachot 29b). However, it is permissible to pray Minha earlier in the interest of avoiding bittul Torah (time wasted from Torah study), as is the custom in many yeshivot and kollelim . 3 HOW SHOULD ONE PREPARE TO PRAY MINHA? It is appropriate for one to mentally prepare himself before approaching Hashem to pray by clearing his mind of all thoughts relating to his mundane responsibilities and pursuits. Furthermore, the Shulhan Aruch ( Orah Haim 233:2) states that before praying one should wash netilat yadayim with a revi’it (approximately 3.3 ounces) of water, without reciting a beracha , even if one’s hands are clean. One should try to wear proper attire (socks are mandatory, button down shirts and slacks are appropriate when possible) for prayer (ibid. 98:4). 4 ON WHICH DAYS IS TAHANUN RECITED AT MINHA, AND WHEN IS IT OMITTED? Generally speaking, whenever we recite Tahanun in the morning during Shaharit, we recite it at Minha, as well. When there is a special occasion, such as if the father of a berit milah , or a hatan (groom), is present at the minyan , we omit Tahanun in honor of the simha . On Erev Shabbat, Erev Rosh Hodesh and Erev Yom Tov (including Rabbinical holidays such as Purim, Tu Bishvat and Hanukah), we omit Tahanun as an announcement for the upcoming festive day. 5 WHEN IS TALIT AND TEFILLIN WORN FOR MINHA? It is permissible to wear tefillin at Minha on a regular day, though there is no specific custom to do so. Some communities, including Syrian communities, have the custom to wear talit and tefillin at Minha on fast days. Most communities wear talit and tefillin at Minha on Tish’a B’av, since they are not worn during Shaharit due to our state of mourning. 6 WHEN DO WE RECITE YEHI SHEM INSTEAD OF SIDKATECHA AT MINHA ON SHABBAT? The guidelines for reciting Sidkatecha and Yehi Shem on Shabbat are the same as those that apply to Tahanun and Yehi Shem on weekdays. Thus, for example, if Shabbat is Rosh Hodesh or Hanukah, or another holiday, then we omit Sidkatecha and recite Yehi Shem , just as we would omit Tahanun and recite Yehi Shem on a weekday. 7 WHAT IF ONE FORGOT TO PRAY MINHA? One who forgot to recite Minha should pray the Amida of Arbit twice. The first Amida recitation fulfills the Arbit requirement, and the second is the “ tashlumin ,” or makeup, for the missed Minha prayer. The Shulhan Aruch ( siman 234, se’if 2, 234b) writes that one should recite Ashrei before the makeup Amida for Minha. One is allowed to “make up” a missed Minha prayer only if he missed the prayer unintentionally. If one deliberately skipped Minha, he cannot make up the missed prayer. 8 IS IT PREFERABLE TO PRAY MINHA ALONE ON TIME, OR WITH A MINYAN AFTER SUNSET? The Mishna Berura (233:14) states that it is preferable to pray Minha alone in the proper time, before sunset, than to pray in a minyan after sunset. If it is already past sunset, one may rely on those authorities who allow praying Minha with a minyan until 13 ½ minutes after sunset ( Piskei Teshuvot 233:6). However, the Yalkut Yosef (233:5) warns that one must not participate in a minyan that prays Minha after the stars come out, and should instead walk away, even if he is needed to complete the minyan , since all the berachot recited in such a prayer service are recited in vain. 9 WHAT IF ONE PRAYS IN AN ASHKENAZIC MINYAN , WHERE THE KORBANOT ARE NOT RECITED? The Yalkut Yosef (233:12) says that it is appropriate in such a case to arrive early and recite Lamenase’ah and Pitum Haketoret before the minyan begins with Ashrei . However, if one is concerned that he may miss praying theAmida at the proper time, he should skip those tefillot , including even Ashrei, and recite them after the Amida. 10 WHAT IF A MINYAN BEGAN MINHA BEFORE SUNSET AND COMPLETED IT AFTER SUNSET? Generally, Vidui , Avinu Malkenu (during the Ten Days of Repentance) and Birkat Kohanim (on fast days) are only recited during the day before sunset. However, most poskim , including HaGaon Hacham Ovadia Yosef shelita , permit reciting Vidui until 13½ minutes after sunset. The 13 ½ minute extension also applies to hazarat hashas (repetition of the Amida), Avinu Malkenu during the Ten Days of Repentance, and Birkat Kohanim on fast days. RABBI DANIEL D. LEVY Afternoon prayers 42 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE