Community Magazine September 2011

86 Community magazine Thousands of Boys Across Israel Gather for Inspiration Over 1,500 bachurim (single young men) from across Israel gathered in the Breslover Kollel in Bnei Brak, on August 7th, to celebrate their special achievements in Torah learning. The boys were privileged to hear words of inspiration from Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman shelita , who congratulated them on their accomplishments over the course of the summer. “Generally, young people tend to waste time,” the great sage observed. “Yet, they could acquire so much Torah and missvot . May Hashem help all the bachurim understand this and learn as much as possible – and Hashem will help them live privileged lives.” For the third consecutive year, Dirshu, the renowned global harbassat Torah (Torah dissemination) network, held a summer gathering for bachurim who have graduated from yeshiva ketana (high school) and are headed towards yeshiva gedolah for the upcoming zeman (semester). The event was graced with the attendance of numerous leading Torah sages, including the Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, shelita , and the mashgiah of Yeshiva Nahlat Halevi’im, Rabbi Uri Weissblum, shelita . The Yeshiva Ketana graduates who attended this event hailed from across the spectrum of Sephardic, Ashkenaz and Hassidic yeshivas, representing cities from throughout Israel, including Elad, Haifa, Modi’in and Beitar Illit. Busloads of bachurim traveled from Yerushalayim alone. Driven by the recognition of the inestimable value of limud HaTorah (Torah learning), Dirshu has been operating a plethora of learning programs throughout the world. In over a decade of successful work in Israel, Dirshu has instituted a variety of popular learning programs for bachurim at various stages in their learning. These include the “Dirshu Boker” program that rewards bachurim for learning each day before shaharit , the “Talmudo” program that encourages bachurim to finish the masechet (tractate) that they are learning in yeshiva, and the “Mekadshei Shevi’i” program that ensures that students’ learning continues on Fridays and Shabbat. In total, more than 3,000 bachurim in over 50 yeshivot across Israel participate in these programs each year. Game Night Helps Raise Funds for Lev Aharon Lasting well into the night, the fifth annual Lev Aharon Backgammon Tournament was held on August 14th at the Sephardic Torah Center and Kollel and was a smashing success. Jack (Box) Dayan and Moshe Mevorah, alumni of Lev Aharon Yeshiva in Israel, organized the yearly tournament as a fundraiser for the yeshiva. This year’s event featured over 150 players ranging in age from 15 to 85, as well as another 100 or so onlookers. Tournament games began at 5pm and continued past midnight. All participants were treated to delicious catered food provided by Ike’s Meat House. In the end, the undisputed backgammon master was Jack Ben Zacken, who won the grand prize of $1200. Second place price went to Steven Rudy, winner of a new IPad 2. Lev Aharon is a post high school yeshiva in Israel run under the leadership of esteemed Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi David Laniado. Approximately 70 boys attend Lev Aharon each year. The event was sponsored by Doueck Dental, OMG Leasing, Morris Antebi Photography, Rahmey Financial Group, David Rudy, Igloo, Joseph & Sons Builders, Kings Highway Glatt, Shnitzel & Sushi Time, 7/11, Ray Haber, Kosher Corner and Ike’s Meat House. Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman, shelita addressing the Dirshu bachurim gathering held in Bnei Brak, flanked by Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, shelita and Rabbi Uri Weissblum, shelita . Photos: Morris Antebi Community Chest