Community Magazine December 2009

“Here‛s the plan!” the chief began. The kids listened attentively. Now this was something to tell their friends when they got back to Brooklyn! Imagine... the Pardes family, involved with the FBI in a manhunt for New York‛s most wanted criminal! “Ezra just pointed out to me that stump up ahead as the first place where the suspect was spotted. Beyond the stump” – here the chief lowered his voice – “is where our man appears to be hiding out. Ezra had actually seen Cropsy there during his last visit to the forest. This took place on July 12th, and the fire occurred on August 24th. Take note of the date – it is significant. After Ezra recuperated from his burns and was released from the hospital on September 18th, we were able to organize this search, with Ezra guiding us deep into the forest and to the very place where he last saw Cropsy. It‛s been over three months since Cropsy was last seen. With the weather quite cool in the mountains, we suspect that our man may no longer be here, as he probably travels someplace warmer for the winter months. The question is, how cold” – here the chief grinned – “pardon the pun! How cold is his trail, and is it possible to find a clue as to where he has gone? On the other hand…” The chief now turned to the kids. “You say your parents closed up Pardes Acres at the end of the summer season, with plans to reopen next year. Cropsy was surely aware of this. My friends from the FBI surmise that in order to wreak more havoc on Pardes Acres, our bird might have stayed a while longer than usual before migrating to his warmer nest. In that case, we must approach his home with caution, as he may very well still be there.” Two members of the FBI separated themselves from the group and, silently stepping through the forest, headed towards the stump. They disappeared into the cluster of trees beyond. The minutes dragged on. Suddenly, the two reappeared, looking mystified. “Strangest thing, Chief,” one of them reported. “There‛s no clearing behind those trees. No place to move, definitely no spot to build a shack of any kind.” All eyes turned towards Ezra. Ezra started feeling embarrassed. “Seems we‛re following a false lead,” one officer grunted. Ezra felt his face turn red. Here was a whole group of hotshot investigators, following his directions, and he had led them to a dead end. Had he taken them the wrong way? He was so sure that was the stump he‛d seen, and he remembered seeing Cropsy‛s home just beyond the trees. And now, there was nothing there! Suddenly, he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder. It was the chief. “I trust this young man,” the chief declared to the group. “Any person who‛s man enough to admit a wrong the way this kid‛s done, is someone who‛s word I take seriously. If he says this is the place, men, I believe him.” Mommy‛s words flashed in Ezra‛s mind yet again. It was amazing! When you say the truth, no matter how hard it is, people learn they can trust you. An honest person is treated with respect. A heady feeling of exhilaration spread throughout Ezra‛s body, and he turned to the chief and said boldly, “If you‛d like, I can go with the men and find the place.” The chief nodded, and Ezra and the two men disappeared once more into the forest. Feeling his way through the brush, Ezra‛s heart suddenly began racing as he surveyed something in the distance… T h e C r o c s K i d s Chapter 7: Following Ezra’s Lead ESTHER PARDES The characters: Joey 13, Judy 12, Ezra 10, Rebecca 9, Morris 9, Sharon 6, Baby Charlie 3 The recap: With Ezra leading the way, a large group of policemen, joined by FBI agents, set out in search of Cropsy’s home. Along the way, Ezra revealed his long-kept secret to the police chief and his siblings – the reason for his forays into the forest. 102 COMMUNITY MAGAzINE